Posts by TheVoid

    Hi all,

    i have more than 2000 rigs/preformaces. I am looking for Top Jimi "59 Tweed Twin Profiles" and Live Ready Sound's The Legend Profile Pack.

    send me an DM and maybe we can exchange some cool rigs

    Soo i got the kabinet and Tannoy Gold 7. I laughed my ass off because i failed miserably on the Tannoys! They were way bigger than expected so i immediately shipped them back for Gold 5.. BUT the Kabinet mannn! What a blessing. It is also perfect for lower volumes so your neighbours wont complain, Perfect! Still learning all the goodstuff from my kemper but i love it big time!

    So I just set up my pair of ADAM A7x's (on Rockville monitor stands). As mentioned, I've owned the Kemper for about 10 days now ... up until tonight I've only played them through headphones.

    The ADAM A7x's sound great! As to the question of the thread: I think this is a brilliant solution for at home, bedroom level playing. I actually only have played the ADAM's very quiet, since kids are asleep. But it sounded great. I'm sure it would sound better turned up a bit, but the point is: I can easily get bedroom volumes in a way that has not been easy with my tube amps (which was the whole reason I bought the Kemper).

    I don't have a ton on which to make a comparison - all I know is running the Kemper mains into the ADAM A7x's produced a great sound instantly. They definitely aren't cheap and I'm positive that great results could be had with cheaper nearfields. But I can vouch for the A7x's being awesome and noob-proof!

    so what is your signal path? Whichs ports do you use from the kemper?

    I'm also a new Kemper user, and bedroom volumes are my game right now (w/ 2 very young kids at home).

    I did a fair amount of research on studio nearfield monitors. What I bought, and you'll see most people rate very highly, is a pair of ADAM A7x's. They are about $750 each new, so a pair will be $1500. Got some monitor stands and then I'll be ready to go.

    They arrive Friday - I'll post an update!

    yes i would love to hear your update!

    I was looking at some Tannoy Gold 7. Read some good reviews from guitar players

    Hello Players!

    Im very new to Kemper Profilers but so excited. I just got my non-powers head and i cant decide which speakers to use. Im thinking about KrK studio monitors or the Kemper Kabinet. Im a stay at home guitarist with neighbours and i just want to play at “movienight” volumes suitable for home. Will the Kabinet still be good at low volume? And can i also use the kabinet for mixing and producing on my Mac Mini?

    Ps Money is not a problem i just want the best sound/feel