Posts by Algado

    For information, we tried to explain it in full length via fb. We explained to him that the error came from him and not from kemper, that HIS logic did not correspond to that of the machine ... he then insulted us (@...hole ...). We backlisted it from our facebook page. Here,I'm still nice, I just answered his other questions whose answers are in the manual...

    Tha's wrong Stephane Warland : i left your folowers page because your responses are all just "Kemper is my God" I left...

    I think it is a bug or a weakness in interface. Kemper should sometime say "Yes, will corect it soon"
    Happy new year;)

    I posted this screen on another tread, but the cause is found, it is an interface error. ?(

    While testing the auxiliary loop, I kept getting this message: "Aux Input is active". However, the RIG manager window and the Kemper Head window were in zero position (no input). I did not understand. We spoke several times with the help line to finally find that ... one of them was below 0.1 but above 0.0

    Here is a trap which may surprise. The Rig Manager button goes from 0.0 to 0.1 but the Head button allows an intermediate pisition. For this reason, the Loop effect is deactivated without the screen allowing to guess why.

    Below is the normal (example) situation for the RM and the Screen when the Aux Input is active.
    If one of the three is at 0.01 but not yet at 0.1, the loop is disabled but could show 0.0.

    Works, but no indications.

    A very simple solution should be using a "Stump" or an "Effect" place.

    When record the light could be flashing

    When play, the light could be ON

    When looper stopped, light could be OFF

    In adddition, the ability to chose emplacement of the looper could be very fun...

    Hi, Algado.

    Even without an indicator on the screen, you can still use it like a one-button looper pedal. It might take some concentration to use it live, but in a live situation, I assume you wouldn't be watching the display on the Profiler anyway.

    For auditioning Presets and Effects, it works fine.


    Well... not really usefull

    A very simple solution should be using a "Stump" or an "Effect" place.

    When record the light could be flashing

    When play, the light could be ON

    When looper stopped, light could be OFF

    In adddition, the ability to chose emplacement of the looper could be very fun...

    but for the moment, no choice, an external looper is still necessary ...

    OK, it works, but for me, because nothing is on the screen, I have to cancel ability to use the integrated looper in my config. Thanks

    You are drawing and spreading wrong conclusions! Focus on connecting and setting up the external switches correctly instead.

    Looper Start/Playback/Overdub and Looper Stop can be triggered with external momentary switches (normally open) even if no Remote is connected.

    What will be displayed when starting the looper? (On Kemper Head display)

    EDIT : I finally understand nothing is displayed ?(

    Hi Stickman,

    I think we're in agreement. "The Looper was always a feature that can only be fully implemented and used with the Kemper Remote."

    I use the Looper with the Roland FS-6 too. However, as you said, only the most rudimentary functions are available ("enough to make it work".)

    I use the half-speed function to double the 30-second loop time so I can loop a 60-second phrase. As you noted, this option isn't available without the Remote.

    I haven't figure out how to change the Looper Location setting if you don't have a Remote connected.

    • Using the Looper live, I have the Looper Location set to Output,
    • For auditioning Rigs and Effects, I need the Looper Location set to Input.

    OK, sadly,


    The page [12/18] is greyed :S

    i agree there are too many bugs in the Rig Manager editor and I hope they manage to get these ironed out as they can be very frustrating.

    however, other than bugs the interface is excellent. By that I mean the layout is clear and logical with no frills and gimmicks to get in the way of getting things down quickly. One of the reasons I actually bought the Toaster was the fantastic physical interface which makes setting up rigs (and tweaking them live on stage when necessary) so fast and easy. I spent a long time A/B testing side by side with helix and the lack of touch screen, drag and drop, menus etc was a massive advantage on the KPA. They hit the ball right out the park first time with the physical UI. Unfortunately, it seems to proving dito overlay a GUI on top of something that was always designed to be a physical device.


    you need to read the manual. You are trying to load an FX loop not use the Looper.

    Not really, my question is because I failed to start the looper using "looper start" I tried putting "effect looper mono" in the rig, thinking maybe it was necessary .. I have tried all the solutions, but I only want to use the internal kemper.

    I couldn't find any information on manually configuring the looper using only an external dual switch. I don't have the Kemper remote, I don't want it.

    Is it possible to use the Kemper integrated looper only with the Kemper dual switch?

    While trying to use the Kemper looper I am deadlocked again. I programmed two actions on my "System" Looper Start "and" Looper Stop ", I also tried to dedicate a switch to" Looper Mode "but nothing helped. No looper. If I place a" looper effect "I have this laconic message:

    I have to say I'm using only a dual remote switch. No way to start the looper...

    You are surely aware that the GUI represents the signal chain, right? Putting your ‚Definition‘ thingy inside the chain (please refer to your picture) would suggest, that e.g. the parameter „Rig Volume“ affects the signal prior to the stomp section. This is definitely not the case.

    I would like a better interface, Kemper still doesn't have a real and good Windows interface, it's rough and full of bugs (copy-paste conflicts, archive mode ignored, changes lost, dead-lock with the Head, etc etc, in one months I have found too many). Then everything can be discussed, except with the trolls, they prefer invective and corporatism.

    I gave this example, it's my proposal, but you may be right, we can then combine the two into one, it is in any case more logical.

    What is certain is that Kemper is still hazy in its semi-graphic interface, rather successful for the "head". It would be time to switch to the graphical version, with the programming rules that this entails (event, visual, touch screen, pop-up, instinctive resolution etc.)