Posts by bmfguitar

    Hello, Kemper fans,

    I'm a Kemper Profiler Stage user. What do you think about a smaller version of this perfect unit(it could look like this for example). I had in mind something like a player for the already finished Performance that I prepare at home. On stage I always use only the already edited and prepared Performance and I hardly use any further editing. Something that would fit in my guitar case pocket(Mono Vertigo)........


    Hello, Kemper fans,

    I'm a Kemper Profiler Stage user. What do you think about a smaller version of this perfect unit(it could look like this for example). I had in mind something like a player for the already finished Performance that I prepare at home. On stage I always use only the already edited and prepared Performance and I hardly use any further editing. Something that would fit in my guitar case pocket(Mono Vertigo)........



    for those interested in using the Kone cabinet and Kemper profiler, but also find the need for an amp, I upload my custom setting. I used the Ritter Camplifier SHP amp, which I have built into the Kone cabinet's back side. I cut my own plywood backside which I have covered in tolex and fastened the amp with screws. Results are below in the attachment and I can provide more details, if someone is interested.


    Hey all, bmfguitar here, new in the forum. I just bought Kemper Stage about 4 weeks ago, I'm excited about this product and this forum. Great!
    I don't have much experience with that yet, but I bought the Carl Verheyen Vintage Amp Collection on recommendation. Great rigs! I can recommend. With rigs from Michael Britt, they are my favorites. Because my Profiler Stage does not have an amplifier, I solved this problem by connecting Kemper Cabinet (speaker: 12 "Kemper Kone) and Camplifier SHP
    (RITTER Amplification) and it works great! See picture.