Posts by Danny Beardsley

    IEM's are great if you can get used to them - its the isolation from the audience that takes the getting used to but far superior to on stage monitoring as it can become a sound war and all main sound should come from the PA.

    Personally I don't use any filters or push the mids per se, you just need to try it at volume purely because the sound changes so eq to taste...some profiles really come alive at volume :)...

    Pleased you are enjoying it!

    I know what you’re saying about the separation from the room. It is a little boxy at times.
    I remember the first time I used IEMs live, and I couldn’t hear the audience. It was either great noise isolation OR the crowd weren’t enjoying themselves ?

    I felt more confident on stage though, more clarity and helped massively with vocal pitch and eliminated any vocal strain.

    I think sometimes the guitar can suffer from those really high frequencies with higher gain tones, I need to refine that but apart from that it sounds killer.

    I am currently only using two profiles. I’m not a huge fan of switching between really drastic amp sounds. I suppose I still have the traditional ‘one amp’ approach. Clean and dirty channels and colour with a few pedals.
    That’s the thing I really like about the Kemper, there is plethora of profiles out there but we don’t have to use them all.

    I do plan on profiling my Rockerverb 50 Mkiii though, it’ll be great to grab snapshots of my favourite settings on the amp and create set lists using that.

    What profiles are considered the ‘best’? Any suggestions?

    Welcome...assuming you have semi decent IEM's and you are used to them.

    My only advice is that FOH will sound quite different from IEM's so try to test at volume through a PA ( ideally at rehearsal).

    Also make sure you pad your output using the -12db button and unlink volumes..

    Thanks very much for the advice.

    I primarily use IEM for everything now. It helps especially for my vocals. The surprising thing was how instant it was to achieve a great tone with the Kemper.

    I use a Rockerverb Mark iii and found a profile of that amp. (I’ll make my own profiles at some point) but it sounds fantastic.

    Programmed my performance song by song and assigned effects.
    I previously owned an Axe FX 2 and tried that direct but struggled with adjustment. (I wasn’t using IEMs at the time.)

    I’ve heard that the drums can become dominant in a live setting which I’m a little concerned about. Ideally I don’t want to use any additional monitoring device on stage.

    I currently use Shure 215 IEMs and the PSM300 transmitter. I couldn’t be happier at this point. I much prefer the whole IEM experience now.

    I generally tweak tones with both IEMs and some studio monitors. Any tips on output EQ for a PA system?
    I’m assuming push the mids? High and low pass filters?

    Hi everyone!

    Bought a Kemper Stage = Absolutely blown away! Awesome!

    I’m planning on using the unit for Direct to FOH and IEMs for live use. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations for this particular setup, I’m all ears ?

    How many of you are using this setup?