Posts by SDR2020

    I have a powered Toaster head vintage 2020. Seeing all these different social media posts about the Rig Manager software for iOS and iOS iPad.

    Had assumed there was a WiFi chip in my toaster that I could easily sync up to my phone. As I read more details, sounds like only the Stage has a WiFi chip. Seems like to use my Profiler Head with the iOS app, I'd need to be hard wire connected to my router via Ethernet cable.

    Is this accurate?

    Is there a dongle you can plug into the back of the Kemper Powerhead that will allow you go get on a WiFI network without a hard wire connection to your router? Does the Remote have a WiFI chip in it?

    Thank you!

    I’ve found some old threads on this, but wanted a reconfirm from you more experienced users.

    Have a powered Kemper head. Want to use it with a 2 by 12 cab that is wired in parallel for 8 ohm. Speakers are a 65w creamback and 60w V30. The overall cabinet is rated 120watt (lowest watt speaker * 2)

    From reading the threads, everyone seems to say “don’t worry, just don’t turn it up crazy loud”. Even Christoph had such a response.

    However no one seems to every explain why you’d be fine. Loudest I play is about 90db.

    Would love some reassurances I won’t have any issues here.

    Thank you!

    I’m only six months into my Kemper journey and love the unit. So I understand the religious devotion many of you have towards this company and their product. Many have a long time attachment to the device we spend countless hours of our lives with.

    With that, let me offer some thoughts of support to the KPA community.

    Remember, the QC unit still has not been mass distributed. Until Neural proves that the unit can be mass produced and distributed at the $1,699 (US) price point, we really are still dealing with a prototype situation. And said unit has to hold up out in the wild without malfunctions, chip meltdowns, etc.

    Further, while the QC does look and sound stunning, it is clear that Neural still has months, if not years ahead of them of trying to refine the software and support community around it.

    Think that Neural can pull this off, but it will require them to continue to pour massive amounts of capital into the QC, all while keeping a price point the consumer is willing to pay. I’m still in the camp that QC will not be able to actually get a reliable unit out to the masses at that price point. But we’ll see.

    Making the shift from Helix to Kemper, and had heard that you can have a Helix floor unit control your Kemper (to turn stomps on and off, switch profiles, etc) with a MIDI cable

    Is there anyone out there who had done this that can point me in the right direction on how to set something like this up? Or a tutorial video?

    Thank you

    You won't acheive more than half of full volume with 16 ohms, but it will still be plenty loud enough. Ideally it would be best to have it wired for 4 or 8 ohms, worry about that when you get your Kones though ?

    Is it at all possible to explain the physics in a sentence or two? I.e. is the 16ohm providing too much resistance to the signal to allow for full volume?

    BTW, thank you all for the help above. I did plug it in last night and it sounded great.

    Group, I entered the Kemper world this week with a powerhead. Using it with a powered FRFR speaker now, but want to also run it through my 4*12 cabinet.

    My cabinet is a old 1987 Carvin 4*12, and in it I have two 16ohm 25w Greenbacks and two 16ohm 60watt V30’s.

    The cabinet is wired in such a way that it is considered a 16ohm cabinet. I believe this is known as a series parallel wiring (I think)

    What concerns/settings if any should I have with plugging it into the Kemper Powerhead?

    Greatly appreciate any help, this Forum is awesome!