Posts by jeanjean

    Hi guys,

    There is cab of a kemper profile I love and wanted to make a wav IR of this cab. I am using makeIR in studio one to do it. It basically just run a sweep within the kemper (in which only the cab is active) and generate the IR for me. To do so I will run a cable from the balanced output from my audient ID22 audio interface within the kemper, and then from the output of the kemper back into the input of the audio interface. I quickly checked yesterday and everything should work well, but ...

    My question is : Where should I plug the cable that goes out from the balanced output of the audio interface into the kemper : the front input or the return input ?



    Hi guys. I want to make a direct profile of an amp using a loadbox (torpedo captor), however i would like to use an IR within the kemper (i don t have a wav form of the IR) to play around with the settings on the amp. Is there a way to do that in the profiler mode ?

    If running a specific cab IR within the profiler mode is impossible, then here is my question.

    I have my amp connected to a loadbox (torpedo captor) and i want to connect the output of the loadbox into the kemper to use a cab IR within the kemper. Is it possible ? If yes, should i use the main input or something else ? Then i would use this technique to adjust the settings on the amp and will then profile it. Thanks

    Hi guys,

    I am using the kemper for guitars recordings and I was wondering if some of you use the kemper to record pop punk. I am looking for profiles that would fit the mix without any major drastic EQ moves, so almost "mix ready" profiles. Please do not mention the john feldmann packs by STL that is really bad in my opinion. So far I have been using the STL kris crummet and dan korneff packs but I am looking for other options (and specific profiles if possible). I am not looking for amp suggestion but specific profiles/packs.


    Hi Guys,

    I was using the kemper and rig manager told me I needed an update for rig manager, which I did. Then it asked whether I wanted to update the kemper to the new beta, I said yes. Since then, the kemper crashes at start up. When I turn it on, it does its thing, and then is stucked on "creating cache data for presets" forever before the error message.

    I tried multiple things :

    - to reset rig/midi/systen while holding the rig/quick/system soft button while turning the kemper on, no message appeared or anything, it powered for ever untill it crashed again, each time.

    I tried to reboot from an old firmware of the kemper (7.3.2) using a USB stick, it did not work at all.

    I am running out of things to try. Is there anything else not risky I can try (I already contacted the kemper support), and is there a way to backup what I have in the kemper with this problem still on ? (my back up is getting old).



    Hi guys,

    I just got a kemper and wanted to know which bass profile you guys are using and for which style.

    The main goal here is to use it to record bass on songs (so the profile of an svt in a cab would be great as i can record a di as well). So far i was using amplitube so i think i should see some improvment !

    I am playing mainly indie/punk songs.
