Posts by YoavHanuka

    I've only tried one DSL40 profile from RM as it was all I could find. Didn't like it much so I am hoping you can make one better than me so I don't have bother profiling mine. I would still like to put some more hours on it's speaker to loosen it up more. Have only played it once in the last 6 months since owning the kemper.

    Actually Bayou, if you want I can send you a couple of profiles I made, I would love to hear feedback :)

    Don't know how to message personally here, so sorry if it's a little off topic guys

    Just write me your email address bro

    Yeah, don't touch the settings of the amp when refining. Some people think it's a cool way to trick the algorithm, but 9 times out of 10 it will make your profile worse.

    That's just a stupid thing to do lol...

    I haven't changed the settings, just put the amp on standby cause I didn't realized the Kemper was actually listening to the amp?

    I did some profiles of an amp of mine last night. I was putting different overdrive pedals in front of it that I normally use live. All were coming out pretty good and I did refine all of them. The last one I did was with a Friedman Dirty Shirley pedal in front of the amp. It sounded really nice and thick. The profile sounds terrible. It is really flubby and fuzzy on the low end. I would say it is even a little harsh on the top end. I did add an EQ to it to try to salvage it. It is somewhat usable but doesn't sound anything like the amp did. I am wondering if I am experiencing something similar to what you did. I can try to profile it again if I get a chance and not refine it to see if that makes a difference.

    I was actually digging for information on profiling higher gain tones to see if I could find something to try to make this profile better because I love the sound of that pedal through this particular amp. I had thought about starting up a topic on it here but wanted to do my homework first.

    I would experiment with different mic placements, on/off axis and distance from the grill

    Just had an Epiphany (in the shower lol)!!

    I think I figured it out...

    Do you guys leave the amp on with the volume turned up during the refining process?

    Cause I did not do that, I turned it down after the profiling signals... and I think that was my mistake!

    Just made a quick profile and refined it while leaving the amp on and I think it worked like it should :)))

    (Didn't realized that during the refining the Kemper was listening to the amp and not just to the profile reaction)

    Still need to test it a little more seriously but that might be the answer:)

    Hi yall

    Been making some profiles of a kickass Marshall DSL40

    and I suspect there might be a bug in my Kemper...

    When I refine a profile (not only from this amp)

    it goes super "Flubby" and really unplayable, as if someone turned a harsh

    compressor on full and cut most of the high frequencies... and it happens very quickly too,

    from the second strum approx...

    I've watched all YouTube vids I could find and no one seems to have this issue

    Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? Maybe you can confirm it is actually a bug?

    Or am I doing something wrong?

    Btw, they turn out fireee without refining, but I want to have the option, and want to know if it's actually a bug...

    I actually bought both the LRS and Reampzone, and at first I didn't liked either much... But then I contacted LRS and he offered to make custom profiles for me and they ended up to be just what I was missing so my choice is LRS's pack

    Shoutout to Reampzone for refunding the pack which had nothing wrong with it, just not what I was looking for)

    Thanks to all the repliers on this thread!

    It's hard to say which one I like the best because their all very good.

    I tried them with my Gibson ES335 and it's a match made in heaven.

    For now I say number 5 and 25 but they still are all in the Kemper,so maybe tomorow with another guitar I go for different ones.

    Also the more gainy ones are excellent.Normally I only like a clean Fender amp.

    I'am impressed thank you very much.

    I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear you like them!!

    05 and 25 are definitely my top favorites too!

    Btw, the most gainy ones are with the Suhr Riot distortion pedal (as described in the notes & profiles)

    Which is an amazing pedal, and there are so many settings I still haven't profiled with it!

    More to come soon;)

    These are pretty good man! Whats most impressive is how accurate a representation of the real amp these profiles are, felt like I was playing one of these in the store, just better (not a huge fan of blues jr). So hope you have a blues deluxe lined up next!

    What I really liked the most about the pack, is that it actually sounded like you ADJUSTED THE EQ OF THE AMP instead of just having one tone with differing gains, and the documentation was a nice bonus, though I preferred the refined profiles just slightly.

    And finally, big thank you. Excited to see what comes next.

    Thank you for this comment bro!

    I appreciate it :)

    About the refined vs unrefined - I actually tried refining and it made most profiles VERY flubby and wierd...

    Those were my first ever profiles so maybe I did something wrong, but I tried to do it the exact way professionals on YouTube suggest...

    And sure! If I'll get my hands on a Blues Deluxe I would profie the hell out this thing:D!

    Hey Yall!

    Just did my first Profile pack of my Fender Blues Junior iii !!!

    I had a blast creating those and was blown away by how good and accurate the profiles came out !!

    (I would say they sound slightly better than the amp actually lol)

    There are 26 profiles so far of various settings

    All the settings of the amp and distortion pedals and other details are described

    in the profiles so you can know pretty much exactly what I profiled

    + inside you'll find my notes with all the settings for each profile :)

    Will most likely drop more here soon8)

    Hope you guys like it!

    and if you do, please let me know which profiles you liked best


    For me the ToneJunkie Stuff is just not working. Not my style but probably doing a great job. If you are into the sound, that they are doing: Go for it.

    If you are into more "metal"/harder sound maybe Deadlight Studios or Sinmix are worth a look.

    P.S.: To get an idea of the reamp-stuff, here are some free profiles:…-profiles-86809

    Thank you man!

    I actually have 2 reampzone packs akready and they are pretty phenomenal