Posts by fenderbenderlax

    Hi Folks,

    I'm trying to see if it is possible to simulate a double tracked effect when using a Kemper with a tube amp. My signal chain is as follows

    Guitar --> Kemper input

    Kemper Send --> Amp input (Dry signal for the Dry path)

    Amp out --> Cab (Dry rig)

    Kemper Master out --> FRFR (Wet Rig)

    At times, I would like to use both as dry rigs but maybe the Kemper master out at a slight delay. I tried to set a delay at the end of the chain with feedback at 0, mix at 100% and time around 20 secs to see if this is possible. But it did not seem right. I do realize that this is not true double tracking but just trying to get a wider stereo field on stage. Any inputs is much appreciated.


    I guess, this should work:

    Pick the guitar signal from an output e.g. the MONITOR OUT with Output Source "Git&Processing" to feed the synth. Establish a Loop Mono or Stereo in module X and feed the synth signal back into the Effects Section via RETURN (and ALTERNATIVE IN). You cannot use the DIRECT OUT/SEND to feed the synth, because as soon as you activate the effect loop, that output switches into its SEND capacity.

    But if the other outputs are already blocked for other functions e.g. feeding a KEMPER Kone and FOH, you might run out of sockets.

    Very interesting idea...just a thought experiment not sure if it would work...but suppose I want to use my physical amp along with the Kemper running them maybe dual mono or even stereo perhaps...would the following setup work

    Guitar --> Kemper In

    FX Loop 1 send --> Amp Input [Place it in Front of the stack] [say block 1]

    Amp Send --> FX Loop 2 Return [Place this in slot X after the stack]

    Monitor out --> Amp Return

    So the idea would be to have a set up where

    a) I can do a. wet/dry rig with the physical amp being the dry amp and the Kemper stack being the wet amp

    b) At times when I need the post effects on both signals I can access that as well.

    Would this work? I'm not able to test this right away but just a thought.

    I think most of these are setting specific to the Kemper drive ( I might be wrong on that)...but I think if you fiddle around with the controls of the Kemper drive it is quite interesting...

    I experimented with different profiles till I found the one amp that I felt best suited my needs. My experience has been that it is important to consider the interaction between both the amp and the cab. So the combinations can be overwhelming. Also I did buy some presets and each vendor does things differently I guess. I found one that worked really well for me and I just stuck with the cabs that were provided on that set of profiles.

    If you are plugging into the effects return of a combo you are only engaging the power section and the speaker. So depending on your profile and the cab on which it was based on the sound can be different I guess...I run my monitor out into the return of a Joyo Zombie hooked up to a cabinet for on stage monitoring. In fact for small venues I think using just the power amp and cab with the Kemper should do just fine...

    This was my experience as well till I discovered the JP2C by Choptones. Killer tones and the range is quite good.

    I know many love the Top Jimi VH profiles. With a real cab and power amp they sound good at first, then you hi the low E say with the Chorus rhythm to 'Feel your love tonight' and it farts out with a really wooly low end on the low E string only. I know a real Plexi is not a tight amp but it also does not have anywhere near the compression the TJ adds in there.

    Any tricks to dial that out

    Interesting. Have you set the definition to 10? Typically that helps in tightening things up a bit.

    But for me I just stopped using other profiles after starting to use the JP2C profiles from Choptones. I have never played a real mesa boogie but boy are they tight and focused (especially the Kemper Profiles that I have played).

    Try the Purple Plexi pack from Tone Junkie..I think it gets closer. higher volumes..also I think you may want to fiddle around with the amp settings on the AC DC pack you have...I found that the tone stack is quite good and working on the definition parameter can certainly help..

    Double tracking with chorus and delays works to an extent. But I found that using the wideners on the Kemper did not allow the guitar signal to cut well through the mix. It might be something wrong that I'm dialing in. I found that the best delay based double tracking tool was using my hx stomp and a dual delay at the very end with appropriate settings. I have not been able to replicate that with the Kemper.