Posts by dacop1313

    Connections for PROFILING Guitar Amp Simulation

    • Connect your guitar to the Input of the PROFILER.

    • Connect the DIRECT OUTPUT or SEND 1 from the PROFILER to the input on your GX100

    • Route the output of your GX100 to the RETURN or RETURN 1 of the PROFILER.

    I would assume this will also work with a Helix?

    But to be clear - the Seymour will be relatively transparent as with any other ss amp. A tube amp adds colour.

    Some people prefer tube amp because of that colour, others don't ( like me) who rely on the tube emulation from the profile. Its also true that interchanging these would produce very different results. I use virtually no eq amendments using my power rack :)

    There is no right or wrong, just preferences ;)

    Yup...big differences for sure. What power source are you using in your power rack?

    I also thought about using a power amp (something like seymour duncan power stage) with passive cabinet. I wonder if it would sound like kemper through powered kabinet?

    I have the Seymour Duncan 170 power stage and tried it with my Kemper and Helix with a real 2x12 cabinet. I didn't like it much, I found that I had to EQ the hell out of the unit to sound the way I wanted it or similar to the tone I was getting with a tube power amp. I mean its not terrible, but certainly not tube like.

    I like your idea of unplugging the mic, but would rather not piss off the sound guy lol, some of these guys get angry if you move a mic stand.

    Its great we have the choice. I understand your preference but for me its only valid for your backline. My focus always remains on FOH sound and therefore any "benefit" you get is immediately lost through the PA.

    All noted, but most of the venues I gig at have there own backline, its fast paced and when its time to set up there is just one 4x12 or 2x12 cab and that's it. And most sound guys do not want to bother with FOH, they just throw a mic on the cab speaker and wait for me to give him an A cord. That is why I stick to the conventional way of head and cab with the Kemper. I also tried the option you mentioned above, an FRFR speaker with a tube powered amp, using the Celestion fx12-200 speaker, wasn't for me either, I went back to the real cab setup the next gig. But it is good to have many options.

    I too run the Kemper with a tube power section (Mooer 20w Tube Engine or a Marshall 50w DSL), keep in mind as mentioned above you need to turn off the CABs on the Kemper, you will know if they are on because it sounds horrible lol.

    When running the Kemper this way, many amp will indeed sound very similar, especially if they are in the same genre, but there are some differences here and there. I can take a SLO profile and make it sound very similar to an ENGL or even a Marshall. If you change the physical speaker cab lets say from V30s to Greenbacks, the tone will surely change, just like a real amp would. I too do not like the powered speaker option as I think it sounds best with a real cabinet. When I do play around with FRFR, there is a huge difference in tone because of the Cab or IR being used, but its just not for me.

    Simple question, if I import a Rig into any one of the five slots in Performance mode, and then delete that same Rig in the Browse mode, does the Rig still remain in the Performance mode? I could test this myself but I figured I would ask first. Thanks

    I have no doubt it sounds good.

    The only comment is, is it necessary? Without opening up the debate,that is an entirely personal view of course :).

    Just as an aside, our other guitarist who uses a Helix, started switching to using a Marshall Amp and cab on stage. He recently did a rehersal without it, reverting back to the SS amp he had - it was noticably better. Why? I suspect its because he had spent quite some time tuning his sounds to SS.

    So my point is, we have these very powerful valve amp emulators. If you use them to their full potential, personally I think the valve power amps become redundant and therefore unnecessary. HOWEVER, of course many people prefer the added colour of valves and it adds a dimension, and that is perfectly valid as well.

    The great thing is, we have the choice!!!

    I agree with you on solid state power, the Helix does sound very good with the Seymour Duncan 170 solid state power amp, it takes just a bit of tweaking (not much) but overall its a great matchup, same with a non powered Kemper. I have the Kemper power head and the built in power amp is very good too. But as I mentioned before I am not a fan of CABs/IRs so I always use a real cabinet. I just find the best tone for me is when I use tube power. I want to lug around a Marshall 50w head along with the Kemper head or Helix, ummm no lol. As I mentioned above, I now use the 20w Moorer Tube Station which sounds really great to my ears on both Helix and Kemper.

    "The great thing is, we have the choice!!!"....indeed we do!

    I have the 50w DSL 2000 head and use its power for the Kemper into a real 2x12 with V30s and it sounds great. The Marshall power section works well with any modeler, I also run a Helix this way too. Recently I picked up a Moorer Tube Engine which is only 20w, but I had no volume issues when jamming with a full band, again a real 2x12 cabinet. I am not a fan of CABs or IRs. The Seymore Duncan 170 which is solid state power also sounds pretty good too, but my advice is to go tube power.

    I have done the opposite.

    IMO Guitar cabs add too much colour, not in a good way. Totally make all profiles sound similar.

    I also don't want or need the hassle of a tube amp, it was the main reason I switched.

    My FOH has never sounded better and I always get compliments ( which I trust more than my own ears).

    Just shows each to their own and its great we have these options :)

    Yup, options are great. I never liked any FRFR tones, I have tried many times but was never satisficed, guess I'm not ready for that leap. The tube power amp I use is as big as a lunchbox amp and only weighs 12lbs, easy setup and that tube feel is there. I will agree with you that many profiles/amps start to sound the same though, but I am basically only looking for one tone anyway.