Posts by stonepac

    I spend so much time finely adjusting effects to get new sounds. Anybody aware of a way to download other peoples free effects? It would be nice to have a few dozen ambient reverbs for example to load into a performance. I was hoping TJ tone tools was going to provide something like this but it never took off.

    I’ve tried stacking reverbs and delays and using a volume panel to create swells. The problem is that I’m having a lot of issue with my Strat single coil pick ups causing undesirable humming/hiss. I know that this is in some ways impossible to fix. I’ve tried noise gates under rig section and putting a noise gate put on the chain. No luck. Any tips?

    Appreciate the help! The mission pedal is new so I don’t think that’s it . I have a TS cable for the switch and TRS for the morph input. I can click the switch on the pedal but i can’t play a wet signal on top of it. It’s like the freeze function uses those delay and reverb and I’m stuck with a boring dry signal.

    I have my mission engineering pedal set to morph and then I have the stomp button set to freeze. Whenever I engage the freeze function I can’t play over top of it because the signal changes to a dry signal. I understand that the freeze function is using the delay and reverb but is there a way to play over top of the freeze pad sound?

    I really appreciate you guys helping a newby out. worked perfectly. I'll use an A/B switch for the two guitars and then save all of my electric rigs with panorama to the left and acoustic rigs to the right.

    1. Is there a way to default all rigs to a particular panorama setting and then go back and just change the acoustic rigs rather than save them all one by one?

    2. Does using panorama and then dedicating one XLR out to acoustic and another to electric compromise the sound quality (stereo vs mono)?

    I need to switch between acoustic and electric part way through a set. I have an a/b switch for the 2 guitars going into the input section. The issue is that our sound guy doesn’t like acoustic and electric going into one input/channel.

    Is there a way to switch between two outputs in the Kemper. Set up a switch to send signal out the right XLR (acoustic channel) and then switch to the left (electric channel)? Can’t seem to figure out how to have 2 outputs that can be switched as needed. Thanks!