Posts by MrHighway

    Yeah I think the rig volume is on +5 just to get some more breakup, or level. I got the Top Jimi Deluxe 64 Reverb pack which is based off the Blackface amp in that era. The low gain is giving me that chimey sparkle so having some success, but there seems to be a lot more crunch and attack when Ed's playing:

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    He's not hitting the guitar that hard either.

    Lol, wouldn't it be great if they had in a strat body style.

    Still can't quite get the chimey sparkly "chkk" from any of the factory Black Face ones. Too bright sounding, have tried rolling down my tone knob but not really getting close enough.

    May have look around for some paid profiles of the BlackFace, TAF do 7 for £4.99 so worth a spin. Then there's TopJimi for about $15.

    I loaded up another factory profile - The Blackface Dimed. Backed off the gain all the way to zero, added compressor, a pure boost and took the definition down a bit. More power in the hammer ons! Its better than it was so I'm nearly there lol. Just a bit more tweaking to do, my strat is a rosewood fretboard though, his is a maple so always going to be a bit brighter.

    I haven't tried to replicate your experience, but what I hear in the video is most likely technique. A pretty wide range of muting techniques are possible with the back of the fingers, nails and finger tips when using this kind of muting. Knopfler and Cooder are both pretty heavy users of this type of muting and the results can very a lot. The video sounds like right hand muting in combination with a well timed left hand mute. Perhaps that is what you are hearing? It sounds like a punch followed by a very fast left hand mute.

    I like to think I'm playing it in the same way as he is, with the fingers and muting the strings. That crunch on the hammer on is much louder on his guitar/amp.

    Tried the power sag, didn't really make much, if any difference. Also had the AC30 profile on my Factory list so tried that, sounds similar to what I'm using now, but without that chimey spack sound. In the video it doesn't look like he's even hitting the strings that hard so there's something there to give that sound.

    Ok I'll have a look to see if there's an AC15. There's definitely an AC30 one on mine. Not sure if "breakup" was the right word, its just the hit he does you can hear that crunch clang really nicely.

    And what does the power sag do by the way? I haven't touched that one in the amp settings (I think that's where its located)

    ThanClapton Strat has a 25db mid boost. I think it’s around 500hz but could be wrong. Try putting a studio EQ in front of the amp and aggressively boosting around that range.

    Yeah it does for solos but for some reason Ed's using it to play 4 chords haha. I've tried everything else but mid-range boost from the EQ section, and yes I think it is 500hz somewhere so the 2nd page or something in the settings?

    The guitar in my icon is an American Fender Stratocaster with a Clapton boost circuit in it. If I turn that knob up, it sounds like me playing a Strat with more mids, not like Eric or Ed. I think the main thing to playing similar to that is the physical approach. For a start, it looks like he is using the neck pickup, and his hand is between the middle and neck pickup.

    Yeah must be something to do with that strat with the mid boost. I'm playing on the neck pickup and hitting the string quite hard on the backbeat, but can't get the sizzle when he does it, like its quieter or something.

    I use the Sennheiser EW-100 guitar wireless and the Shure PSM 300 IEM with the Shure SE535 ear buds.

    They work great and no lost signals at all.

    The one thing I need to do is have the wireless packs on opposite sides of my body when in use.

    Yeah I made sure to do this when using both body packs but it still dropped out.

    I may have to put this down to the 2.4GHz operating band.

    Ok so excuse the artist and song, I just really like that strat tone from the guitar, I blieve its an Eric Clapton Crashcaster.

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    I'm using the Fender Bassman Black Face clean profile (from the factory profile list), alot of amp compression, pure boost was already on there so I left that, gain low as its pretty clean. Fiddled with clarity and definition which are around halfway.

    It's close, but I just can't get that extra "spack" in the breakup when he hits the strings with the back of his hand. I've tried alot - more compression, preamp gain, several boost pedals. can't quite get it, what else is there? Midboost? I believe that strat has one in the circuit. Turning up the gain doesn't really do anything. Maybe the overall volume needs to be louder?

    I took my Kemper live for the first time on Friday as my old band had a reunion show. It was also the first time I was using IEM's, as we were playing as a 3 guitar setup and only had space on the stage for 2 cabinets. We tested it in rehearsal and it all worked, however my Line 6 Relay G50 guitar wireless kept dropping out throughout the set.

    I changed to RF1 mode, switched channels and also paid attention to where I positioned transmitters and receivers. Still dropouts. I put this down to it operating in 2.4GHz band and as many wifi routers and stuff use this same range there's not alot of space.

    I've looked at the Shure GLXD16+ which has a dual band range now up with 5.8GHz and many have said it has been great with no drop outs but I've seen a small few still having problems. One of the other guitarists uses the GLXD original one (I think its still using 2.4GHz) and he says he never has dropouts. So maybe its a Line 6 thing.

    The new unit costs £549 odd so its a lot of money to spend on something that might not be the answer.

    Anyone else use this with IEM's and how does it perform?

    I'm sure this has cropped up a few times. The remote cable going into the back of the Kemper (the RJ45 end) the clip has broken and cable doesn't hold in place securely in the network port. I played a gig on Friday and it kept falling out switching off the remote and losing signal. It's a common complaint with the unit.

    I've seen a mod you can do by British Audio where they move the port and make a new one re-routing the connection making it an ethercon connection (which is the one they use to go into the remote which is far more secure). However the company are based in Nashville (I'm in the UK), and it costs £249 to do the mod.

    As a temporary measure I've got a RJclip replacement set, and cut off the plastic part around the RJ4 end to slide it on. It clicks into the port now but I'm worried with the chaotic stage environment someone will kick the cable and it'll break out the port again.

    If anyone has the same experience what measures have you taken to secure the RJ45 end into the unit more securely? I'm using the Powered rack version by the way and it sits in a Shallow 4U rack case.

    I have thought about getting a mount socket like this:

    etherCON Panel Mount RJ45 Socket with Feed Through Connection, 8 pin - Neutrik | CPC (

    Then mounting it into a 1U rack panel like this:

    1U 19" Rack Panel Punched for 4x XLRs - Pro Signal | CPC (

    Then running a short cat 5e into the socket from the network port on the unit and then getting an ethercon connection on both ends cable for the remote and using the socket for the daily unplugging and plugging.

    This would protect the port and stop the clip from breaking again?

    Ok so I got my XLR female - TRS on Monday, tried it out yesterday into my interface. Turns out I need a lot of preamp gain to bring it up to line level, almost halfway. Into my mixer I don't need any at all presumably as it has better preamps.

    I'm thinking maybe turn off the -12db function in the main output settings if playing through the interface, and then turn it on when using the mixer as I switch between the two often. The key seems to be to use as less preamp gain as possible to avoid colouring or distorting the tone. Might try with 2 cables as I only have 1 XLR - TRS, it will probably help bring down the preamp levels a bit so I don't need to use as much.

    In relation to the thread topic though everything seems to be working ok at the moment with no issues since the OS update and adjusting the main output levels.

    Yeah I might try it again, haven't used it in ages, its just when teaching I have to quickly swap between using different inputs as sometimes I have to use the mixer to teach online (my computer doesn't recognise SPDIF as an input unfortunately) and I need 2 other inputs for sounds. So sometimes I forget to switch back to internal and wonder why stuff ain't working lol.

    As long as I don't get this weak signal problem and no sound again I'm good but will update the more I use it.