Posts by RySuki

    Experiencing the same problem after upgrading to the beta with my floor profiler no longer communicating with my PC at all.

    Have uninstalled as per the instructions in this forum, rebooted, and rolled back to the previous rig manager, and still no luck at all.

    Experiencing no sound when I connect with USB to indicate that I've connected or anything. It's like my profiler no longer has the ability at all to communicate with the PC at all.

    No, I meant no Timeline, just a patch cable to exclude influences from external gear.

    Make sure, you run current OS in order to make sure, we have a common point of reference.

    Is DLY+REV Routing at 0?

    Have you tested with REV module empty?

    Tested running a patch cable between S1 and R1, and found that running with DLY+REV routing at zero resulted in no difference in the sound running the DLY module on or off. Tested with both my Timeline and Big Sky, and looks like this fixed it.

    Thanks heaps for the solution!

    No, I meant no Timeline, just a patch cable to exclude influences from external gear.

    Make sure, you run current OS in order to make sure, we have a common point of reference.

    Is DLY+REV Routing at 0?

    Have you tested with REV module empty?

    Oh, I get you now. I'll give that a try in the morning as well. Good suggestion.

    Also check DLY+REV Routing in Rig Settings.

    have you checked the value of the mix setting in the fx loop?

    Cheers for the replies. :) I have checked this, and no matter what I do, I just cant seem to get it to sound right at all. Tried it with multiple different pedals as well, all giving the same effect.

    What I have managed to do to fix it (for now) is to run the mono loop on either button X or Mod, and that sounds absolutely perfect. Still hoping theres a way to run it the same on DLY or REV though, so I can free up a few slots.

    Hi! I've just recently purchased my first Kemper (Kemper Stage), and am running a Strymon Timeline through the effects loop. I've got this strange issue that seems to happen both when I run in mono and stereo where it sounds (what I can only describe as) boxy - almost like it's running in a concrete chamber, if that makes any sense.

    I get this when I activate the loop (using the DLY key) both when the Timeline is activated, and when it is deactivated. When I turn off the loop, it returns to normal, and just sounds really full as it should.

    Any pointers?
