Posts by axeman61

    So I'm a new Kemper Stage owner and really love the unit. Being that the diagrams on the Kemper manual show the microphone going straight back to the Profiler when creating a profile, do the majority of people who profile do it this way? I've seen videos where people will put the microphone into a mixer or audio interface and then process thru a DAW before sending the signal to the Kemper. Is that a better way to do it?

    If the Kemper can do this both ways, then wouldn't the signal coming from the board be colored by the Kempers Mic preamp? I still have lots to learn, but my profiles sound pretty good to me just going Microphone directly to Kemper. Any thoughts or tips would be most helpful.

    Thanx for the info Hoki and I'm gonna experiment with this later. So since you can profile without refining, the sound would be close between the kemper and reference whether you compare a strat with low output vs Les Paul w high output. So if you refine and do the volume changes on the guitar, will it get you even closer, or is it just actually a snapshop in time of a specific amp and guitar at the given guitar volume?

    After profiling an amp and starting the refining process, do you refine at the different guitar volumes? I figure a person who likes rock to metal would profile with the guitar at max volume, but if you're a person who also backs down the guitar volume, should those tones be included in the refinement process?

    I will probably try this later this week when I setup to profile again, but when I profile an amp, is setting the EQ during profiling the same as tweaking after profile is saved? Will the amp retain the the changes as shown in the eq section, or will they all reset to 0 as the profile. If the EQ is not zeroed, then does profiling "flat" and tweaking after profiling sound the same as if you tweaked to the same numbers before?

    Whether you have a commercial or rig exchange profile, how much tweaking would you normally do to it? Does it have to be 100% spot on, or if you like the flavor/distortion/characteristic of amp, would you do eq changes till it fits your liking? Also, when profiling, do you leave all the eq at 0 or do you tweak to change it before saving the profile?

    Actually, I didn't compare it as it was late and the speaker was different on the amp (seventy eighty) then what I used in the profile (ownhammer GB). It is the USA model and I did it to make sure my ProCo DI would work and not fry the amp before profiling the amps that I care a bit more about. Now that I know it works, I will actually do some comparisons and maybe use the speaker rather than direct.

    I'm a hard rock guitarist, so I was pleasantly surprised that the profile was usable and sounded ok in the mix.

    I can see the entrance to a major rabbit hole here... but thanx so much for checking it out with your honest criticisms.

    I uploaded a profile of the Crate V3112 1x12 combo. It's my first profile and a Direct profile at that. The amp is on the OD channel with the the gain at approximately 2 o'clock. I tested with an Ownhammer Greenback IR but uploaded with the Kemper GB cab. You can swap the cabs out. There is light reverb as well as an OD pedal to kick it into more the hard rock arena. Looking to profile my Mesa DC-3 and my Randall RM100 with some different modules.

    Please let me know what you think.

    So I was able to setup the Kemper to profile a Crate 3112 I had at home. Since this is an amp I hardly play, I figured it would be a good guinea pig in case something goes desperately wrong. I profiled the OD channel with the drive at 2 o'clock and no boost.

    I decided to do a direct profile thinking that I wouldn't hear the speaker since it was late - I was wrong. Going thru the DI, the speaker spoke loud and clear. When all was said and done, I was highly impressed with the profile. I can put it on the Rig Exchange if anyone may be interested.

    One question I have - Is there a major difference with a Studio profile minus the cab as opposed to the direct profile? If I use an IR for the direct and change the studio to the same IR, would they sound the same?

    I may sell my Helix and just keep my Helix Stomp now that I have this.

    I'm a new Kemper user and would like to profile some amps on the Stage. On the diagrams, it usually shows the microphone connects to Return 1 of the stage, but the input is a phone jack. Do I need to get a xlr to trs adapter for the input or would I run the microphone thru a mixer and send that into the kemper.

    The Kemper is amazing so far and it may replace my Helix, which is my current go to for gigging.