Posts by goldensheaf

    Are you married? You actually pulled out the colour blind card haha.

    But all the noise about whats right or whats wrong does not matter the fundamental thing is, an all I care about, the tone X profiles better. Sounds open an uncompressed. All kemper has to do is clean up the algorithim an this discusions over for me. The kemper albiet years old is a far better unit than the rest. If they get the profiling right then its got an other 10 years to be a classic.

    I perceive you're just reacting like a naysayer wanting to disagree with things rather than someone thoughtful and considerate of what was actually said. Asking questions, seeking clarification, being accurate and not rewording people's statements with skewed thoughts are all marks of rational, intelligent discussion. If you can converse on that level then you're welcome to try again.

    I just had it out on another post with him, He likes being difficult.

    Seriously - a guy took 500 captures in 3 days and had no problem sorting them to find favorites.

    …and you don’t care how he does it?

    That you don’t care how he organized them says you don’t want advice or suggestions. You want us to agree with you.

    I know exactly what you’re asking for. I disagree that it’s a good idea.

    You may think my idea for something not so far out falls on what tone junkie does? You may be a fan boy but I am not, an what he does is irrelevant to what I want. I think you just want to argue. Enjoy an goodbye.

    The screen does change colour for different effect types is what Rufus meant I think.

    So you want to allocate a colour to a rig ( I don't think there would be a logical way to auto allocate unless done by gain level)? Obviously there would be a limit on colours ( I guess its probably around 16??).

    Hmm for people who struggle to read I can see it might be useful but certainly not high on my agenda..

    Yes what I mean is if you have a fav profile, you can give the screen a colour if wish. When its finished an all done you can have this. I do not mean in the menus or the leds on the stomps. It means I could have say all my matchless rig one colour, or all my pedal only rigs one colour. As someone who uses browse mode it be very helpfull as 100 profiles before you can forget what ya did for the profile. Thanks for catching on. There like 60 colours right? I do not see if bein a problem power wise when it does it browsing effects already. Anyway thats just my thought

    Irrelevant? Let's give colors we've already assigned to a different function a second function. No, that's not potentially confusing at all. One thing having two meanings.

    Talk to Tone Junkie. after dragging his gear cross-country, HW did over 500 captures over 3 days while holed up in Josh Scott's house.

    He then culled that down to 7 amps and 81 profiles to create the current JHS amp pack.

    Without colors.

    ill let you try an catch on. Now ya talking about tone junkie, underwhelmed

    Its like people answer with something irrelevant. I not talking the little colours on effects types at all RUEFUS, im talking just like you can go to settings an change colour of your screen, that you can set this in with profiles. I must be on planet nu nu if im the only one thinks this be great. I use browser mode an if you have 30 captures one day of a amp, an you move on, you could designate red as a favorite. Or have a whole capture of a certain day and amp one colour. Anyway I would personally like it.

    The Stage sells in Australia for about $2,800 AUD, which is about $1,800 EUR, so pretty similar price, I think. That's about what I paid for mine years ago, with free shipping to NZ.

    I got mine for 1000 pounds uk, newer model. Not with import an shipping soldier. Snap. They def gone up i just looked at second hand ones 1800 aud. New, yea i can get a boutique amp for that. Roundabouts we talking examples here. They have not gone down in price for sure.

    I know what you mean...have you ever found a way to tame that? I haven't yet.

    Im into DI profiles only as I think a pro IR going to give me better that what i can make but profiling with a high watt speaker seems to help me. An there is a youtube of a guy showing a eq trick to clean it up. But It does not work on all profiles. For me I do not want to eq anything I want the amp as it should sound

    The kemper buisiness model is to keep it a classis and have it around. I appreciate that an its kooky looks will be relevant for some while. They are not line 6 releasing a model every year an thats great. People want touch screens an multiple amps but kemper is to be treated like a amp an not a multi effects unit. They may bring out new models but I think the traditional unit is here to stay. Just wish they would get the profiling 100 right like tone x just did.

    This seems like the easiest thing to do, but why has it not been done? The ability to designate a screen colour for certain profiles. You could have a fav amp one colour, or profiled pedals etc a ceetain colour. Di yada yada.. If your listning kemper why not stick it a update. Sure it requires no processing power

    Funny you say i only just found about the X today an went on rig exchange to see if any profiles of it up. Those dumble tones sound real good an im sick of kemper not getin the profiling right. Us with dog ears hear the mid wooly cardboard artifact that hangs around a profiled note. Im still trying to make profiles that sound real. Hey i would love DI profiles of that dumble? I have a modded tube powered kemper an i love the thing but tring to profile my sound, a matchless hotbox into a single ended amp sends me nuts. Kemper does not get the levels of the diff frequencies in a note right. The dynamics. Hey id love to have the dumble profile to check out?

    Thats funny. When I was researching the kemper I did not notice that strange artefact in the sound. Thn you get on an you realise its in all the clips you listened too on youtube an you can not unhear it. My whole mission is to loose that wierd compressed thing. You can not diel it out, its not treble or pres, not compression etc. I have dog ears an what I hear is a roundness in the note. A ghost note thats particularly on the g,b,e Strings. Im trying everything. An this is DI profiles so it has nothing to do with external influences. An beside the refewrance amp sound is there, it just there a slight slight slight woofiness in the notes.