Posts by Jetsparker

    From the Main Manual chapter Performance Mode:

    • While navigating Slots within a Performance via the <PAGE> buttons of the PROFILER Stage, or the left and right RIG navigation cross buttons of the other PROFILER variants, any modifications (e.g. loading another Rig, or cranking up Gain) are interpreted as editing, and will be retained until you move to another Performance. Don’t forget to store before you load another Performance, if you want to make those modifications permanent.
    • foot controller, or foot buttons of the PROFILER Remote or Stage, any former modifications within that Performance are interpreted as temporary tweaks during a live performance and will be discarded immediately. If, for example, you had activated a booster in module B, or increased Delay Mix via pedal, any such changes will be lost if you switch Slots remotely. This way, you can always be sure that Slots will be loaded in their original, predictable state during live performances.
    • However, there is an exception to this practice: While Rig Manager is connected, any modifications are interpreted as editing and maintained during Slot changes as long as you stay within the same Performance.

    the last sentence is not happaning anymore

    in the past, before the last patch, if i was connected with rig manager, the kemper would remember the changes i did to rigs within a performance, as long as i didnt switch performance and it was perfect for live (btw i wish it was like that even without the need to be connected to RM). Now it doesnt do it anymore, if within one performance I opened up a chorus in the clean rig, switched to overdrive rig and came back to clean, the chorus is now off, its annoying.

    if it is a ground issue it can be a bummer to try and locate. Often trial and error is the only option but you need to be methodical. Try all combinations keeping track of the outcome of each. If this doesn’t solve it and it only occurs when connected to the computer it sounds like a USB issue. You can get isolated USB cables/hubs but I’m not expert on these unfortunately. I used to have the same issue when connecting my RJM mastermind PBC to the editor while connected to amps etc at the same time. Eventually I resorted to only plugging into the editor when not playing music. Every time I anted to play I made sure the USB was disconnected. That was OK for me as the RJM editor only configured pedal/loop switching but didn’t change any sound itself. unfortunately Rig Manager’s editor needs the KPA connected to hear the effect of changing parameters so I don’t think my RJM solution would be much help. Instead you would need to find a way to isolate the USB port.

    But remember, I am only suggesting this might be a possible cause of your problem. i haven’t actually heard the specific noise or seen settings/connections etc so I could be way off. The only concrete thing I can say is you need to be careful and very methodical in working through possible causes/solutions. If you are finding no joy with that definitely reach out to support and they should be able to help diagnose with you.

    hope you get to the bottom of it soon.

    thx mate. ill try different stuff. im starting to get concerned my house has something to do with it

    sounds like a ground loop or non isolated power issue from the USB connection. Have you tried flipping the ground lift switches on each output.

    What is the correct way to do it? as for now i have the lift on send 1 and all the others are on ground, if i change the send 1 I get even more noise, if I change the main output I also get more noise.

    Send 1 gives noise no matter what which is a huge bummer, I have to get it fixed. Its not super high volume but it sucks, when i get into RM it gets a lot louder and very significant noise.

    When I open the rig manager I suddenly have lots of noise, Real high volume from the send 1 output (direct output) that I didnt have before i open RM. When I close it it goes back to normal. does anyone know anything about that? (I got it set to git analog)

    theres also unwanted noise that happens no matter what even when no guitar connected or even no cable connected to the send. i also have the send lifted, if its grounded it produces even more noise.

    I dont believe the kemper should produce noise in the way of an analog connection, it should be direct with no interruptions.

    I have bareknuckle in nearly all my guitars and I have a rebel yell in one of them..hope you like them!

    they sound amazing, and sounds like its just for me, i play metal, but mainly lead and punk type leads and solos, so I didnt wanna pick something that sounds too extreme metal high output kinda thing, wanted something more versetile and these seems like the stuff, also thats what the boys in bare knuckle suggested for me, they have great service.

    If you’re open to active (I never was until I tried these) EMG makes actives with magnetic poles now. The 57/66 is the best pickup I’ve ever played. It’s very versatile. From the cleanest cleans to extremely dirty. Plus they are plug and play, no soldering and the batteries last 1500 hours.

    I dont have a slot for batteries, its irrelevent, anyways I Went for Bare Knuckle Rebel Yell.

    Heyo, I've been thinking of changing my stock schecter passive humbuckers with some new and proffesional ones.

    Also, do I need to take into account the number of pots I have when I decide on a pickup?

    I have two volumes and one tone with coil tap.

    I play lead in a Nu-Metal band, so i basically search for good sounding pickups for lead Hi-Gain and cleans.

    want to avoid those too metal trashy sounding ones.

    What woul'd you guys suggest?

    Native Instruments interfaces should be the winners of "crappiest interfaces ever" ... especially for one reason:

    Direct Monitoring is laughable. You can only monitor either inputs 1/2 or inputs 3/4, not even all of them at the same time ... and there's no direct monitoring for the S/PDIF inputs (5/6)! Stay away from this crap. ;)

    I dont mind the direct monitoring acctualy, I monitor everything from my Daw. Wouldnt be the problem for me here.

    I allready have almost 200 hours in the game, I hacking love it, I put millions of songs in there, and every day I do one hour of free play random songs, its fun as hack and it stimulates my guitar senses, and it realy feels like im playing guitar hero. I end up every session with about 90% succession rate, well, it depends on what songs I got.

    I use my kemper for the sound, the tone in-game is rubbish.

    Absolutly reccomend from my end bro.

    Hey, I want to switch my discontinued piece of trash lexicon IO22 with a new soundcard that has 4 inputs (for mic, kemper, and DI) and some spdif, and some extra line outs for reamping.

    I was looking around and found two that i liked, The Focusrite Scarlett 6i6, and the Native Instruments Komplete 6 mkii.

    I would basically like to get the Komplete 6 for the slick design, but I wanna make sure im not compramising on lower quality pre-amps.

    What do you guys think, you have any suggestions?

    I want to get the one with best preamps I can find.

    *also theres the new SSL2+, which should be marvolous, but it doesnt have spdif, and the only extra outs it has is RCA, which from what i know is shit, and I cant reamp with it in quality.

    the kemper has its thing where say im in a performance at rig 1 and i say enable the delay, then go into another rig in the same performance and come back, the delay would stay on from before. it acts that way randomaly, and i like it, but most of the time it doesnt do it, it opens up the rigs as they were saved.

    I dont understand the pattern of this, is there something in the settings i need to do, does anyone know?