Performance Mode: Can't overwrite a rig in a slot with another one [SOLVED]

  • Build my first Performance with 5 rigs but decided afterwards to change the rig in one slot. I chose the new wanted rig and selected it via browse-knob and "Load"- button (I got auto-load disabled) and it shows up in the lower dark line of the performance window but it don't shows up in the slot I selected. There's still the first selected rig. Same happens with any slot where I decide to change the first placed rig.
    In the 2.0 Addendum is nothing to find that I did wrong or forget.
    Running FW 2.01 Release.

    Please help, thanx in advance.

    Edited once, last by CUBE (July 5, 2013 at 12:35 PM).

  • Performance mode seperates the rig name from the slot name -
    meaning i can have a my preset, called 'kickass Marshall', in slot 1 but name the slot 'Intro'.
    What i'll get if i select slot 1 is that the name of the slot is 'Intro', and below it i'll see 'kickass Marshall' written on the black line below the performance name.

    So when you replace the preset on slot 1 with something else, the name of the slot stays.
    You can rename it (through 'manage perf.'), and there's even a shortcut button on the rename screen for 'use rig name'.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."