Suggestions from a Kemper first timer

  • I just had the Kemper on loan for a couple of days, and this is what immediately came to mind:

    - A simple EQ (Low - semiparametric mid - High) within the effects.
    Maybe I want some extra highs when kicking in that compressor, more mids
    when kicking in the fuzz etc.

    - A fixed simple EQ in front of the rig. Would really like to be able to shape what goes into the amp with different guitars (less bottom end flub, more bite etc) without dedicating a stomp slot for it (In addition to the post EQ that is there already, which I'd probably use to compensate).

    - I want to see the reduction in dB's when I turn that Master Volume! ;) In the profile volume too, for that matter. Both because I can relate to dB's, and to gain stage my live rigs.

    For now ;)

    Edited once, last by Trazan (April 19, 2013 at 9:16 AM).

  • I just had the Kemper on loan for a couple of days, and this is what immediately came to mind:

    - A simple EQ (Low - semiparametric mid - High) within the effects.
    Maybe I want some extra highs when kicking in that compressor, more mids
    when kicking in the fuzz etc.

    I see your point, but I prefer the 'modular' approach we have right now. Having the Eq pre or post the compressor or the fuzz (to stay with your exsamples) makes quite a difference. The Mix parameter of the compressor is the tool to get that NYC 'in your face, but somehow transparent' compression and using an extra Eq to shape the distortion of an amp or fuzz, enables you to build a library of Eq presets that you can quickly browse through until you find what you're looking for.

    - A fixed simple EQ in front of the rig. Would really like to be able to shape what goes into the amp with different guitars (less bottom end flub, more bite etc) without dedicating a stomp slot for it (In addition to the post EQ that is there already, which I'd probably use to compensate).

    same here: using a stomp = ability to use local presets. I use this a lot. :) I think we're going to expand our Eq presets real soon.

  • My eq suggestion was to avoid using a slot for such simple eq tasks though. You'd very often want to just reduce some low end going into a distorted amp, so having that pre EQ in the rig section always available would be very helpful. To me :)

    Also, just adding a simple eq page to the stomp parameters would be very helpful. A fuzz rarely works perfect as is, but some slight eq'ing will do wonders.