Stack switch via midi?

  • Is it possible to, within a preset/profile, switch just the stack via midi? In the heat of a live performance I liked to kick in another amp with the Axe (thus keeping the effects settings I'm currently at).

    Edited once, last by Trazan (April 21, 2013 at 1:38 AM).

  • I don't know if amp switching is supported via midi using NRPN extended commands. The NRPN documentation is available. If it is, your midi controller must support the ability to send multiple CC commands in sequence on a single switch press.

    A simpler but less versatile solution is to lock the sections that you don't want to change then use a normal PC command to change rigs. You're stuck with whatever effects are locked at that point.


  • Ah, ok. Guess I can't have it all!

    Problem is that by changing presets on my All Access I also change AA state.

    Would have been nice if 128 steps within a CC# could be assigned to rigs!

    I don't know what 'AA' state is. But with the FCB, if you lock the KPA effects and also "lock" the FCB stomp switches changing rigs via MIDI PC only changes the amp and all effects states remain unchanged.

  • Sorry, I meant IA state! :) I can't lock instant access switches on my All Access.

    Likely can't send that sysex either, but I'll check that out!


    You may know this but you talk about locking switches on your pedal. The lock we are referring to is on the KPA. If you select stomp slot A then press the lock button, it won't change with patches. Same thing applies to all other sections of the rig. You can even lock all pre amp effects by locking the whole section with the button below A, B, C, D.


  • Trazan,

    You may know this but you talk about locking switches on your pedal. The lock we are referring to is on the KPA. If you select stomp slot A then press the lock button, it won't change with patches. Same thing applies to all other sections of the rig. You can even lock all pre amp effects by locking the whole section with the button below A, B, C, D.


    Yes, I know 8) It was in response to Will_Chen regarding locking IA switches on the foot controller. On the All Access you can't do that so locking them on the Kemper won't help much .

  • Yes, I know 8) It was in response to Will_Chen regarding locking IA switches on the foot controller. On the All Access you can't do that so locking them on the Kemper won't help much .

    Well, you've got the wrong controller then! ;) On the FCB1010 you can program the IA swtiches to be universal (states persist when a new preset is loaded) or to default to a state.

  • Sorry, I meant IA state! :) I can't lock instant access switches on my All Access.

    Likely can't send that sysex either, but I'll check that out!

    Off course you can, set Bank of 5 and then go on page 4 of the setup and set Global. Now the IA are fixed on the #CC that you've set.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • as far as I know, since I'm a kemper All access user since months already, the IA status can be maintained. in my All Access I have 10 program change and 5 instant access switches. in one of them, for eample I have the kemper tuner. in another the delay on/off. so I have programmed that the IA switch for the delay is on to the intended program change and as soon as I press them I always have the delay on, thus a constant IA status..........

    isn't that wht you are looking for? I might miss something though...........

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I dig it........but the All Access cannot do what the Kemper can't. in other words, as far as I know there is no way to change rig with just a button nor there is a CC for it. being this the status, it is impossible for the pedalboard to do what doesn't exist...........nevertheless: the program change in the Kemper might not be lightspeed but it is one of the fastest around. you can always have two profile with different rigs to switch. I know it is not the best solution and maybe it is the most obvious but at least it is something............

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I notice that I've been using the wrong terminology here! So to avoid any unnecessary confusion I changed "rig" to the correct term "stack" 8)

    I also understand that it is not possible via CC so it'll likely show up as a feature request when I get this thing!

  • I notice that I've been using the wrong terminology here! So to avoid any unnecessary confusion I changed "rig" to the correct term "stack" 8)

    I also understand that it is not possible via CC so it'll likely show up as a feature request when I get this thing!

    You don't have it? You should wait to see how things really work. You can achieve what you're looking for, you just need to change your perspective.

  • I agree with Will. There are ways to do what you want.

    The technical issue with switching stacks is that the Stacks aren't identified by a number so I don't see how you could address a different stack.

    I just read the NRPN document and there is not a command for stack selection.


  • You don't have it? You should wait to see how things really work. You can achieve what you're looking for, you just need to change your perspective.

    I had it on loan for a couple of days. But yeah, I'll wait until I get it to make bold wishes ;) I don't quite see how I can achieve this without being able to switch stacks via CC though...I need to recall complete rigs from my foot controller, but also want to switch between two stacks within presets/rigs.

  • I had it on loan for a couple of days. But yeah, I'll wait until I get it to make bold wishes I don't quite see how I can achieve this without being able to switch stacks via CC though...I need to recall complete rigs from my foot controller, but also want to switch between two stacks within presets/rigs.

    There is no way to select a local preset (like a stack preset) via MIDI. One of the reasons is: They don't have a number. You have just a bunch of presets.

    But you can easily do what you want by storing the iterations needed and select them via normal program change commands.
    Assuming you have a Rig A which has Stack settings 1 and 2, you just save two rigs A1 and A2 and select them. They only differ in the stack section.
    Creating the Rigs A1 and A2 is easy. Take A1, store it, select the new stack from presets and store the Rig as "A2". Assign A1 and A2 on consecutive MIDI program numbers and you're done. Switch between the Rigs as you would switch between Stacks...
