Parameter value display

  • Hey!

    Borrowing a Kemper at the moment. Just a quick question:

    Adjusting parameters, like e.g. center frequency, bandwidth, volume etc, the display only shows numbers from 1-10 or +-5. According to the manual it should show frequency, dB's etc, no? At least, that would be the logical and better way to me. Is there a hidden setting somewhere with a display choice? (Latest firmware)

  • hi.

    Low Pass shows 1-10, that is correct, but the Studio EQ shows the values as dB, Hz and Q.

    The EQ of the Stack section displays -5/+5 on purpose, the unaltered profile always has a neutral EQ setting.

    does that help?

    I was thinking about parameters in e.g. the delay section, Center Frequency etc. According to the manual it should show frequency, and even note. Also, wouldn't it be logical to use dB attenuation for Master Volume etc.?

  • the bandwidth control in the delay section is a little more complex than just a simple bandwidth of a band pass filter, therefore a Q value does not apply. It's ears over eyes with this one.

    the same applies to the center frequency. many parameters are very carefully scaled to ensure a maximum of musicality. again, a Hz value might actually distract people from following their ears.

    these controls interact very intuitively and make it simple to find the desired delay sound.

  • But doesn't the manual say that Center Frequency is displayed in Hz and note value? Note value for being able to tune it musically. I don't have the manual here now, but I'm pretty convinced it said so.

    The reason is that I'm very familiar with these terms and it makes it much quicker for me get around this box ;) It also makes it much easier to remember settings...I won't remember all these numbers between +-5 without reference, but I will remember 1.200 Hz because I've placed it in my spectrum memory....or sumthin' like that 8-)

  • From the manual:


    However, when “Bandwidth” and “Feedback”are set to higher values, the center frequency becomes clearly audible, creating a distinct, musical tone that you might want to tune to your music. This is why the “Center Frequency” is not only labeled in hertz,but also in musical semi-tones that can be precisely adjusted!

    So I'm curious why I only see +-5...