iKey Audio M808-V2

  • Hey everyone

    I'm in the market for a pair of studio monitors. I've been doing some research and narrowed it down to the following models thus far (from lowest to highest price):

    Behringer 2031A Truth (US$ 450/set)

    Yamaha HS80M (US$ 690/set)

    KRK RP 8 G2 (US$ 700/set)

    Mackie MR8 MKII (US$ 740/set)

    Adam A7X (US$ 1380/set)

    I've found that A LOT of people recommend the iKey Audio M808-V2, but I can't seem to find them anywhere. Do you guys know in what prince range these bad boys are and/or point me to an online retailer?



  • PS: Is it necessary with a pair when it's sole purpose is for amplifying the Kemper for guitar playing?

    A pair is not strictly necessary, but stereo sound is gorgeous nevertheless. It's basically a matter of sonic pleasure for you (and your audience, depending on the application.
    Unleashing the stereo power of the KPA and its fx is priceless... for the rest, there's your credit card :whistling: :D

  • You're welcome!

    Order them with a good return policy, and be ready to have a positive as well as a negative experience: in this price range no monitor can really be linear, so it's a matter of personally liking or not some specific non-linearities :D

  • I've tried the yam'si HS 80 they are killer , I keep asking myself if I'll pick up only one of these but I'd love a pair.

    I did my best profiles refining with them, I couldn't tell the difference between the original vintage amp and the profile : outstanding cleans warmth & everything you need (great basses BTW). My heaviest profile (fat freddy) was glorious on this monitoring solution while it's only good on the fostex monitor I use now.

  • waraba: Absolutely. Everywhere I look the HS80 come highly recommended. I saw a review on a series of monitors made by a professional studio in Australia, and they also emphasized the HS80 along with Adam A7X (but way too expensive for me though!). I have to go try them out in my local music store!

  • Love my HS80s too, but had them sent in already two times to repair a distorting tweeter. But as "Big T" gives a three year guarantee, no problem. Only thing is, that everywhere I look, the subwoofer is a "must have", and the most difficult thing without it is to get the deep bass right.
    But for Kemper only, they are big fun!

  • Just to further derail this thread away from the iKeys [Which I can't find at all in the UK :( ], How are the Yamaha HS80s at low volume? I'm dwelling in a flat at the moment so never need much volume and usually monitor with headphones. Do they sound good with the KPA at say converational levels?


    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • Hello, They sound great at low volume for me. I used them a full week end for profiling, this was the most productive profiling session for me. Then i used those rigs to noodle using the actual amp as a monitor, but i ended up switching the amp off, using only one of the HS80 juste like a little combo, worked absolutely great (in your face, with lots of wind ;) with distorded rigs, ans sweet as could be with cleans, thanks to the KPA.

    Be careful not to buy them now Yamaha is planning a new HS range in 5 7 and 8 inches ( HS8 ), so prices might change. It looks like they are changing the design with a new tweeter.

  • Be careful not to buy them now Yamaha is planning a new HS range in 5 7 and 8 inches ( HS8 ), so prices might change. It looks like they are changing the design with a new tweeter.

    New design doesn't necessarily mean better.
    Maybe the HS 80 will cosiderably drop in price soon.

  • Thanks for the info gents. I had been looking at the Adam A5x (Smallish room 3Mx4M), but it looks like I'll have to try and take a trip to civilization to try the Yamahas as well. Cheers :thumbup:
    Shame the iKeys seem to have disappeared from the UK as they looked nice...

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • another happy HS80 user here. After endless research on audio forums and A/B testing in shops I went for the yammy's (via http://www.thomann.de/). I was tempted to get the sub but for me its not really required for my small home studio. Plenty of umph in these babies.