Editor pétition.

  • Sorry, I didn't save the image ... and even if I had, I think it's good practice to respect Kemper's or Don's decision to remove it.

    But there was nothing even close to rocket science or contemporary arts, so you didn't miss earthshaking and mindblowing stuff. Just take it as a sign that they're actually working on it. :)

  • I do not want to sound harsh, but there are some mislead statements in your post IMO :)

    Out of sight is out of mind: These editor threads are just keeping customers' desires in front of Kemper.

    This would be true if they were not working on things already.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease: The more customers complain about this particular issue the more Kemper resources will be applied to this task.

    I think you're off-base here! If one person out of 10 (say) is working on the librarian, it's really unlikely that they take the one working on debugging the OS - or the one profiling new Packs, or the one keeping relations with distributors... you name them - to work on the librarian code too.

    Taking six-plus months to develop a program seems a bit too long. And quite frankly, if no one ever brought up the "Editor" again, it's development might slip to the back burner.

    These are arbitrary statements tho. On which scale are you evaluating development time? Your desire and your priorities only it seems.
    You have to realize that Kemper is a small company, maybe you are imagining hordes of code-crunchers typing night and day... reality is very different.

    Finally, leading a firm is a matter of addressing priorities, committing resources and planning end lines with a large and foreseeing mind. It's not a game, and it's usually not funny. You run the risk to waste serious money on this. Think of it :)

    Peace & Axes

  • Gianfranco, I have to agree with SteelWreath.
    Kemper is clearly listening to user demand and I think this was the reason why Performance Mode got highest priority some time ago. Many users constantly asked for it. So it's not a bad thing to express the demand, as long as it stays in a civilized tone.
    Talking about the Librarian, I still don't get why it takes so long to develop a useful tool. I've been developing much more complex database driven multimedia software including media production in much less time. Kemper knows all the specs required to read, edit and even add metadata to their rig files. So there's no research or reverse engineering required. If you assign a talented software developer to this job full-time and give him all the information and tools required, then it shouldn't be a problem to get something out within 3 months time easily. And there's nobody who can stop them from extending on a first basic (yet helpful) version adding additional features with updates. No reason, for example, to wait until a direct connection to the online Rig Exchange is done, this is extended feature set that can wait for a second or even third version of the software.
    I've been pretty quiet on this topic for a long time, but still I'm shaking my head almost every day about the fact that they can't provide a much anticipated tool within reasonable time. I don't mind if someone defends the company where it seems necessary. But the lack of a Librarian tool is a real pain in the everywhere and I totally understand the complaints and frustration expressed.

  • Believe me, I'm frustrated too! As a matter of fact, I'm not even willing to edit and save any rig of mine before having a reasonable facility for managing them. LOL

    Many, many months ago I wrote on this board (and I was criticized for this) that IMO Kemper had put on the shelf a product which was not meant for the generic guitar player.
    I actually believe that they were thinking of a niche product for studios, and couldn't (or didn't) imagine a (close) future of hundreds of users for example managing thousands of profiles on a daily basis. IOW, I believe the Profile was not ready for its users. And it isn't still. And Kemper are extremely slow to become aware of the "delta" between their and customers' vision, and to react to it.

    Many users' needs/desires seem to not even fit Kemper's development plans: apparently, Eng, Kemper has got a strong vision about his creature and seems determined to pursue it even if it doesn't coincide with (some/many of) the userbase expectations or requests. This is a choice I at times have a hard time trying to understand: they seem to be willing to dissatisfy many users in fear of dissatisfying others.

    Having said this, I'm not sure I understand what people mean when the say that n months are too much for implementing the x function. Are you implying that they just lie to customers, and pretend to being carrying on a task which is in fact not active? This doesn't seem reasonable to me.

    AFAWK, they might not even have a person 100% focused on writing a librarian, and maybe Eng. Kemper is writing it during the weekends... at night! LOL
    The truth is, we don't know a dime about Kemper's forces or man-hours potential. The fact that Eng. Kemper usually posts on this board late at night (and I don't think he wakes up quite late in the morning) seems quite meaningful to me.

    I'm sure that the Librarian will come, along with the MIDI controller and other things. I'm also sure tho - and could well be wrong - that criticizing the waiting time won't speed it up.
    Also, some users seem to claim some services as if they had paid for them, or as if they had been promised within a certain timeline. But the truth is that Kemper don't owe us nothing, even tho I'm dying waiting for the Librarian... and some other things I've been asking for in the years :D

    Peace & axes

  • I wonder if this slow development in the librarian is not related to the fact that it would be a program which could take informations inside the (very small) profile files.
    Maybe they are trying to make a database which could avoid any reverse engineering on the informations in the file.
    But this is just a tough inspired by some 007 Movie :D

  • ... Also, some users seem to claim some services as if they had paid for them, or as if they had been promised within a certain timeline. But the truth is that Kemper don't owe us nothing, ...

    Although this wasn't exactly your point, I would like to point out, that I do NOT expect everything to be done "for free". If they decided to charge for the Librarian, I will have a look at its feature set and price tag and be prepared to pay, no problem. What I certainly expect from them (what they owe us and themselves) is to complete the environment around the Profiler with the required tools.

    It's great to get tools like the Librarian for free at some point in the future. But if I had a choice I would prefer to pay and get it NOW. Time is money and I'm completely sick of the lack of a decent rig management solution. I paid hundreds of Euros for profiles/rigs, I would easily pay another tenners for a tool to get my stuff in order.

    'nuff said, heart frequency getting lower already, where's my guitar? :D

  • Your desire and your priorities only it seems.

    I flipped through the first ten pages of the forum. Other than the foot controller thread, this editor thread is the next highest number posts by a long shot. It's evidently not just my desire and my priorities... This editor/librarian is certainly quite a big deal to many Kemper customers.

    Personally, I look at the profiles by turning the browse knob and cannot even fathom how to organize them; it's quite overwhelming. Some way to categorize, label, download, swap, etc. these wonderful profiles over USB would be such a milestone.

    If my reply sounds a bit snarky, don't take it that way.

  • I flipped through the first ten pages of the forum. Other than the foot controller thread, this editor thread is the next highest number posts by a long shot. It's evidently not just my desire and my priorities... This editor/librarian is certainly quite a big deal to many Kemper customers.

    Personally, I look at the profiles by turning the browse knob and cannot even fathom how to organize them; it's quite overwhelming. Some way to categorize, label, download, swap, etc. these wonderful profiles over USB would be such a milestone.

    If my reply sounds a bit snarky, don't take it that way.

    Hey, I strongly want a librarian myself!
    Please, re/read my statement in its context: I wrote that you're evaluating how much time is "too long" based on your priorities only. I mean that Kemper have a lots of things to look after, and for them - I guess - 6 months are not "too long". Just that :)

    Let's hope it comes quickly, but - much more important - let's hope it comes bugless (unlike Axe Editor) :thumbup:

  • .
    Hey, I strongly want a librarian myself!
    Please, re/read my statement in its context: I wrote that you're evaluating how much time is "too long" based on your priorities only. I mean that Kemper have a lots of things to look after, and for them - I guess - 6 months are not "too long". Just that :)

    Let's hope it comes quickly, but - much more important - let's hope it comes bugless (unlike Axe Editor) :thumbup:


  • I replied +1 a while back, but now I have to say that I would rather have a dedicated foot controller. An editor would certainly be nice but for me, a dedicated foot controller would be fantastic. I mean, the Fractal MFC is almost Plug-N-Play, with only one Ethernet cable, you simply connect it with one cable for both data and power, and it displays the preset name, tuner, etc. without hardly any programming, how cool is that. This isn't a deal breaker for me, I'll continue to use the KPA with the Ground Control Pro, but a dedicated foot controller would be my first choice, if I had a choice :)

  • I replied +1 a while back, but now I have to say that I would rather have a dedicated foot controller. An editor would certainly be nice but for me, a dedicated foot controller would be fantastic. I mean, the Fractal MFC is almost Plug-N-Play, with only one Ethernet cable, you simply connect it with one cable for both data and power, and it displays the preset name, tuner, etc. without hardly any programming, how cool is that. This isn't a deal breaker for me, I'll continue to use the KPA with the Ground Control Pro, but a dedicated foot controller would be my first choice, if I had a choice :)

    Personally I think an editor/librarian is far more important than a foot controller. There are adequate third party solutions that do the job just fine such as the Behringer Uno or the Liquid Foot which is plug and play afaik. We are just dead in the water with no librarian/editor. Especially important for those of us in a production/studio environment. Navigating through the Kemper finding what you need can be a real pain in the ass. Something like what they did for the Access Virus TI plugin control would be awesome. The rig could just recall right up in a saved DAW project. Since we have a rig limit it becomes dicey saving alternate versions of each rig for a certain application. Then you get into having to shuttle rigs back and forth via a thumb drive if the rig limit is a problem. Then of course having to manually log what rig was used for what. etc etc. All kinds of production workflow related issues.