Second round with the KPA magic toaster. This time, in Black. The first time I was not gigging and was extremely focused on the intricasies and minutae of gear because that is all that I had to hold onto.
Now I'm gigging my ass off and I need killer FOH (and monitor) tone that is versatile, awe inspiring and a joy to work with live and in my humble home studio.
I'm coming from a long line of modeling solutions and experiences, everything from the Johnson J-Station to the full FAS rig (AxeFX II, MFC101, RCF nx12sma).
I will admit for my first go round that I had it out a few times with some well know KPA proponents and despised the AxeFX vs. KPA fanboi drama, while at the same time falling victim to it and being a part of it!
This time it's head down, pushing forward, working this rig for all it's worth. Day one was yesterday and pretty mind blowing with the free Morgan profile and my LP Custom and Tele. I feel like the FX quality has increased dramatically and I'm already selling off most of my outboard stuff to catch up to a decent midi controller.
So this Friday night the rig will be: Gibson Trad Pro II / MJ Telecaster -> Bogner Red pedal (hope a profile can make this redundant) -> Zoom G3 (LOVE this little sucker, gigged it many times FOH and it rules for simplicity and form factor! But I'm hoping this just becomes a backup to the KPA) -> front of KPA -> RCF ns12sma (guitar only monitor) and FOH.
I'll report back Saturday

I'm Back
Welcome back!
Already said. Nice to see you here!
Welcome back!
Glad you're back
Hi Gasp, welcome back
What fx do you feel have shown the most impressive improvements?
Welcome back
Seems like your a gearhead like me who changes his oppinion every 2 weeks?
Too much options nowadays ... good times -
Welcome back . Hope it works out for you.
Welcome Back
Welcome back!
Welcome Back Gasp I see you on TGP...I'm in South Jersey....maybe we can jam one day when my broken wrist heals.
How's the gigging going?