SOLTON and Hiwatt

  • Experimented over the weekend with profiling.
    Fair results are the SOLTON BG 100, a tube amp from the 70ties and a HIWATT DR108 (1973)
    With both a SM58 was used.

    Let me me know what you think. Got more gear to profile. Advise is appreciated

    Look out for user Labrat

    "rope ladder to the moon" or "stairway to heaven" :huh:  UnO4KemperEPROM for FCB1010 with glow in the dark labels!

    Edited once, last by Labrat (November 5, 2012 at 9:44 PM).

  • Before I was married, I used to put Solton wife, being a nurse, said it was bad for my blood pressure. :D

    I'm happy to contribute to some fun, but please fill me in. I've spend quite some time in California and Alabama but newer ran into a nurse with a Solton to take care of my blood pressure! 8o
    If it is to juicy then just PM me...

  • Labrat,
    Sorry about the condiments - I had a quick test last night and they sound fine to me. The Solton has a bright and very clean sound, i assume its a transistor, whereas the hiwatt is darker as you might expect. I use a Hiwatt profile from the exchange as my main bass profile - its cracking.
    How real do you think you got to what you hear? It's taken me a number of goes re levels, mic etc to get some decent profile I was happy with.
    What else have you got in your kit-bag? :)

  • Labrat,
    Sorry about the condiments - I had a quick test last night and they sound fine to me. The Solton has a bright and very clean sound, i assume its a transistor, whereas the hiwatt is darker as you might expect. I use a Hiwatt profile from the exchange as my main bass profile - its cracking.
    How real do you think you got to what you hear? It's taken me a number of goes re levels, mic etc to get some decent profile I was happy with.
    What else have you got in your kit-bag? :)

    The Solton is actually a tube amp. I got it with a 2x15 cab and can be used as bass amp as well. It seems that it is a German ripoff of the bassman. With the Solton clean sound I'm quite happy. But the Hiwatt is not the real thing - yet. I've got two mics, a SM58 and a Dynacord something 1000 or whatsoever. It seems the Dynacord give me better results, means not so damped. So I agree the one shot approach would not yield expected results. I'm still learning...
    The rest of the Kit-bag is a Dynacord MV46 tube amp and a Laney 100LV (or similar) 3channel tube/solid state amp. The MV46 is a beast - loud and very, very chrunchy. I've made already a profile. I'll upload that tonight.