Impact of US Tariffs on Kemper

  • Fair Trade works like this;

    I take your Profiler and I give you a nice guitar in exchange that is worth the same value. We are both happy!

    Unfair Trade works like this;

    I take your Profiler and I give you a pack of picks for an even exchange. I am extremely happy and you are pissed.

    Americans are tired of being pissed on. You would be too.

    Four years ago a pack of GHS Boomers was $5.99US per pack. Today they are $14.99US per pack. That is over 120% increase. You and I should be pissed! I know I am.

    Americans want what everyone wants; things to be fair, inexpensive, and common sense policies from our government and not to waste money --especially on countries and people who hate us. I don't want to pay more for Kemper products than I have to. I also don't want my money being freely given to others countries who have done nothing for the common good. Wasteful spending must end.

    I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with this.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • No politics here, thank you and before you have an opion on politics, check your knowledge first Larry and don't believe everything you hear or read. Now back to music again. I was going to start record now but of course my girlfriend bothered me with some boooring chores I just have to now or else she will pest me with a long rant. :rolleyes::D

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I also don't want my money being freely given to others countries who have done nothing for the common good. Wasteful spending must end.

    I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with this.

    Like Israel. Biggest waste in the history of this planet. (Sorry I had to reply to this political crap, won't do it again, but in America there seems to be a bit of a dichotamy and totally sick of its politics).

  • I agree about keeping politics off this forum. I was not the OP but I will defend my country no matter what. America is the greatest country in the history of the world. Kemper is the greatest profiler ever made.

    The profiler is one of the most cost saving products ever made for music. For the price of one or two amps (and maybe including tariffs) you get virtually unlimited amount of amps. Even boutique amps that are no longer made and costing thousands can be had for free.

    If prices go up then that's fine with me. I already have a profiler and bought it before inflation so a price hike won't affect me. I do believe prices will tumble down fairly soon.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • It should say "No way people are dumb enough to over turn this, so dont worry about it." Well surprise, most of the population has room temp IQs.

    But I love all the stuff this "person" is doing because it exposes how poorly laid out the US govt is. That a lone individual can do so much harm so fast just reeks of not enough checks and balances. Like everything in this world, from a child onward we assume the people at the top know what they are doing. Well surprise, they are faking it just like the rest of us.

    That is why Kemper is so great. Every great company has a person in charge with the passion and knowledge to do great things.

    No matter what lunatic price policies emerge "Kemper will be fine so, dont worry about it" 8o

    Kemper will be fine. I agree. It is a great product and will do well in any environment.

    I think it more likely that the country of origin of Kemper's major competitors will get higher tariffs than Kemper (Germany and the EU). Since NO modelers are built in the US, it doesn't so much matter if the EU is assessed a tariff so much as if the EU is tariffed LESS than other countries of origin for other modelers.

    If Kemper has a 10% tariff and Helix has a 40% tariff, Kemper is doing pretty good where it is. Of course, German work force costs more than Chinese workforce, but still.

  • America is the greatest country in the history of the world.

    How does one measure this? I could come up with a dozen things where your country isn’t great; and either you haven’t realized that the tendency is for EU countries - on a lot of occasions - not to look at your country as being the best; or you HAVE realized that and your feel the need to say it loud enough to convince everyone. Louder makes it true.

    In any case: What you feel is the best is not a universal feeling. How you think, you can measure and validate your claims, is not a universal measurement method. I do understand the need to express the love for one’s own country, though. It would suit the Americans to challenge the way they’re taught to think of themselves as a nation. I love America in many ways, but it’s not - to me - the greatest country in the history of the world. I don’t think that there is one actually.

    Edited 3 times, last by b_ryan (February 7, 2025 at 9:26 AM).

    • New
    • Official Post

    GString Can this thread be closed and deleted already? It's a bunch of ill-informed people talking about things they know nothing about, and POLITICS

    I had hopes that it wouldn't come to this. I understand why somebody would bring up the topic sooner rather than later, and of course, discussing it without political discourse is hardly possible.

    I'll close the thread now because I don't think this is the right forum to discuss potential changes caused by political decisions.

    If taxes on our products would become a reality, we'll have to see how/if we can discuss things. But let's cross that bridge later if needed.

    You all have had a civilized discussion so far, and I thank you for that. It shows that this is a great group of people.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • G String February 7, 2025 at 11:05 AM

    Closed the thread.