Fair Trade works like this;
I take your Profiler and I give you a nice guitar in exchange that is worth the same value. We are both happy!
Unfair Trade works like this;
I take your Profiler and I give you a pack of picks for an even exchange. I am extremely happy and you are pissed.
Americans are tired of being pissed on. You would be too.
Four years ago a pack of GHS Boomers was $5.99US per pack. Today they are $14.99US per pack. That is over 120% increase. You and I should be pissed! I know I am.
Americans want what everyone wants; things to be fair, inexpensive, and common sense policies from our government and not to waste money --especially on countries and people who hate us. I don't want to pay more for Kemper products than I have to. I also don't want my money being freely given to others countries who have done nothing for the common good. Wasteful spending must end.
I can't imagine anyone disagreeing with this.