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- ☑️ Profiler Player
I just got done building an all in one IEM rig that also includes two Kemper Players that sit within a drawer taking MIDI commands for patch changes. My goal is to not need to look at the player for tuning. I was hoping to run a long 1/4 inch cable from each players pedal out, to each side of the stage so each guitarist can tune during the set. Problem is you can’t mute the guitar this way so it’s not practical. I considered having midi switch to a preset with no volume but that kills your signal to the tuner. The only solution I can come up with is having a midi command come from my laptop into our IEM rigs mixer (a X32) and have it mute our guitar channels but this would result in an additional midi interface and more possible pain points. Does anyone have a solution for this? The goal is to never need to look at the kemper player and be able to tune with an external tuner pedal without the guitar audio being heard in our IEM or front of house. Thanx!