Windows 11: Rig Manager and your profiler's OS are not comptaible

  • I recently setup a new PC with Windows 11. I installed the most recent RM but seem to not be able to shake this message (and thus not see all the controls for the profile), see the image at the bottom.

    I came across a similar post about this issue but the suggestion offered did not help (uninstall RM, restart computer and then reinstall RM). I "checked for updates", no updates needed. It successfully (well appeared to) install all the updates required when I first install RM, not sure at all what to do at this point, any help would be thrilling!

  • Maybe the update did not complete. Sometimes you get a dialog box that asks for permission to update the profiler but it is covered by other windows and if you never give that permission the update has downloaded but never completes the update. You can see if the version installed has changed in Rig Manager.

  • I am not sure what to do. This is really slowing down my progress towards rock stardom

    Well that is completely unacceptable! 8)

    - Could it be a rights issue in Windows? Are you an admin on the PC? Can you run the EXE as an admin from the start menu and right clicking it?
    - Is Windows a legit registered copy?

    I am on Win11 with the same versions and have no issues.
    Do you really have 121k profiles in your local library? Hmmmm.

    That is a head scratcher.

  • Restart Rig Manager and it will automatically check for updates. You can choose Check for Updates in the menu but sometimes this is greyed out if you have already checked - which may necessitate a shutdown and restart of Rig Manager.

    The very lastest OS and Rig Mahager versions are often Beta versions - if the build of the OS you want is a beta it is often the case that the Rig Manager version that is compatible with it is also a beta SO you have to check the option to allow beta versions in the Rig Manager menu to allow them to be downloaded. It is advisable in any post like this so tell us what version of Rig Manager and the OS is currently loaded.

  • I am now running RM as administrator and upgraded to 12.07.566788 (version 3.8.6), still have the same issue /:

    I will contact support if no other suggestions.

    Well, I contacted support and they asked me to provide logs which I did and now I feel like I have basically been ghosted.

    To make matters even worse now RM is saying it cannot detect my profiler when I have changed nothing connection wise outside of the classic turn off/back on again. I don't understand. I guess they are having issues integrating this with windows 11? idk. Either way I am pretty disappointed, I have 2k piece of metal in my floor collecting dust now.

    • New
    • Official Post

    Either way I am pretty disappointed, I have 2k piece of metal in my floor collecting dust now.


    You need to fix your installation. Rig Manager doesn't have general issues related to Windows 11. It works fine for thousands of users.

    And no, we don't "ghost" anybody. Feel free to nudge support. Maybe you also want to check your spam filter for missing emails.

  • erichamptonguitar

    You need to fix your installation. Rig Manager doesn't have general issues related to Windows 11. It works fine for thousands of users.

    And no, we don't "ghost" anybody. Feel free to nudge support. Maybe you also want to check your spam filter for missing emails.

    G String

    Sorry for my accusations of ghosting, however, I have nudged support and checked my spam folders as well as the email chain on the original ticket, no response.

    Below is a screenshot of rig manager now, still seeing the os is not compatible:

    For a closer look:

    According to the website, the rig manager version and OS of the profiler version should be compatible, I don't know what to do at this point. Just for safety, my last OS update was made using a FAT32 formatted thumb drive. What do you suppose I try next?

  • If it was me, I'd completely uninstall Rig Manager via the windows control panel, then search your system via the search box for Rig Manager (to make sure you don't have more than one version installed somehow!) ... make sure all shortcuts for Rig Manager are deleted from your desktop, then download and install the latest Rig Manager from scratch (no running as administrator and no other changes to the standard install process).

    I use Windows 11 on a PC I built myself and can confirm Rig Manager works perfectly with it this way.