got the Kone and - WOW!

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    So I got myself the Kone and put it in my Barefaced 1x12". Had a Creamback in there before, also a G12H and a 30W Heritage. All guitar speakers sounded great in that cab. I got a '73 Marshall 4x12 with Greybacks to compare and the Barefaced 1x12 holds up rather well (depending on volume of course).

    Ok so just because I had to try it I got a Kone, arrived a few days ago. My plan was to use it as an FRFR which wasn't great. It sounded muffled and lifeless, also with sweetening turned up (that was better but still by far not as good as the guitar speakers I used before with Monitor Cab Off). So I switched the Imprint stuff on in the output section and BAM! Wow what a great sound. Especially with the bass boost on with the little 1x12 cab it sounds huge and the punch and feedback and overall feel of palm mutes and all. That's what I was looking for.

    I think it still takes the cab from the profile into account, because it doesn't really work if I switch the cab section in the profile off. Anyways, I think the imprints with the Kone are what makes the Kemper system complete.

    I always thought Kemper stuff is old fashioned and outdated becauee I had played one when they first came out and was disappointed. But so much happened since then. I just got a Stage a few months ago, and this system keeps surprising me. I think many people get the wrong idea about Kemper, because they haven't played one with the current possibilities.

    Now I want a second Kone for stereo lol.

  • The imprints are sent only through the Monitor Outputs so, in the Output settings (page 9 of 10), turning on the Kemper Kone and checking the box “Monitor Cab Off’ will bypass the Cab block for the monitor outs even though the Cab block is still turned on elsewhere.
    In each Rig you have the option to have the Imprint be the one you designate in a Rig’s Cabinet settings (page 3 of 3) or set it to use the Global Imprint settings that are set in the Output block (page 9 of 10). You might generally prefer one certain Imprint for most amps/ rigs so set it as the Global and you might prefer different Imprints for certain amps/rigs so in those set it to what you want in the Rig’s Cab settings

    You can leave the Cab block button on the hardware on so what gets sent to the Main outputs is using the Cab that is originally part of the Rig and plays through FRFR speakers or FOH etc. and everything will be fine with the way the Kone delivers Imprints.

  • The imprints are sent only through the Monitor Outputs so, in the Output settings (page 9 of 10), turning on the Kemper Kone and checking the box “Monitor Cab Off’ will bypass the Cab block for the monitor outs even though the Cab block is still turned on elsewhere.
    In each Rig you have the option to have the Imprint be the one you designate in a Rig’s Cabinet settings (page 3 of 3) or set it to use the Global Imprint settings that are set in the Output block (page 9 of 10). You might generally prefer one certain Imprint for most amps/ rigs so set it as the Global and you might prefer different Imprints for certain amps/rigs so in those set it to what you want in the Rig’s Cab settings

    You can leave the Cab block button on the hardware on so what gets sent to the Main outputs is using the Cab that is originally part of the Rig and plays through FRFR speakers or FOH etc. and everything will be fine with the way the Kone delivers Imprints.

    That's what I thoight. But that also means with monitor cab off and Kone Activated, there should be no difference in what I hear through my monitor out, no matter if my cab block in the rig is on or off. But that is not the case. If I switch the cab block in the rig off, I hear a sound reminiscent of an amp through a fullrange speaker

  • Pleased you are pleased as I've been using a Kabinet since they were released and never looked back.

    If you are going stereo then great but I found adding another Kone for Mono to me isn't worth it - I got virtually no difference (volume dropped due to impedance). Interested in how you get on for stereo :).

  • Pleased you are pleased as I've been using a Kabinet since they were released and never looked back.

    If you are going stereo then great but I found adding another Kone for Mono to me isn't worth it - I got virtually no difference (volume dropped due to impedance). Interested in how you get on for stereo :).

    Same here. I ended up having one at home and the other at the studio...

  • The Kone is a legitimate game changer. I was never fond of its FR mode either; imprints are where it's at.

    I have it inside of a 1x12 Power Engine cabinet. I'm not using the power amp of it at all as the Tech 21 people
    told me it can't handle a 4 ohm load. I use a DV Micro 50 Ciro Manna signature head for the power amp and love it.
    (That also sounds great on its own through a guitar speaker with its built in Tube Screamer circuit.)

    I'm glad you're enjoying it!

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I've been using a kone in an old Atomic FR monitor cab that I gutted and repurposed. Fantastic results here also. Only used at home though. Using IEMs in my church band.

    I joined a metal band a couple of months ago, so I bought kones for a 2x12 cab I've had. Was very concerned I would have trouble getting it to keep up with a 4x12 cab and the rest of the band, but its doing fine. Just using a BAM 200 power amp and some pwr amp boost in the output settings for extra volume.

    Imprints are the only way to use the kone imo.