Player to Poweramp to Kabinet Questions

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Hey gang,

    I have owned a power rack since 2018 and have loved it.

    As the power rack allowed me to use the passive kemper kabinets, once I picked up the player I needed a solution to drive them so I can use at least one on stage.

    I came across the Harley Benton Thunder 99 and the Carvin Mach 100 (which seem to be the exact same pedal just branded differently).

    The Thunder 99 arrived today and after setting it up, I noticed that even with the kone enabled, the player is outputting frequencies I wouldn't expect it to through the L and R monitor outputs. - For clarity the kone is switched on and the cabinet off is enabled.

    Furthermore - the high and low cuts are affecting the monitor output rendering it... sort of weird and unusable. Since their implementation, I have gotten used to sending the FOH a signal with lows cut somewhere between 80 and 100hz and the highs somewhere between 6khz and 12khz.

    Questions -

    1. Theoretically, should this set up be able to drive at least one kabinet and have it sound identical to the way my power rack drives it? (sounds the same)
    2. Is it intentional that the low and high cuts affect the monitor output? That's not how they work on the powerrack and it seems to render that kind of set-up a bit useless.

