Output Volumes of Performances, at Live Gigs

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    I was having trouble grasping the concept of Rig Volumes in Performance mode and figuring out how to set consistent output volumes across multiple songs in a live setlist.

    Here’s the definitive answer from a Kemper employee that clearly explains how Output Volumes should be managed:

    The Profiler offers numerous gain stages in a rig starting with the clean sens value in the input menu.
    Please watch the following video to learn how to set the clean sens for a specific guitar.

    Kemper Profiler Tutorial - Input Section - english
    Video Tutorial about the input section of the Kemper ProfilerProduced by Thomas Dill (www.d-tunes-music.de)Voiceover: Ben CroslandTranslation: Hans Jörg Sche...

    The volume balance between different rigs is achieved with the RIg volume parameter. All factory rigs have this parameter set to the middle position to give you maximum headroom to each side to attenuate or boost it depending on your needs.

    Please be aware that some third-party vendors also use the amp volume parameter in the amp module to"boost" their rigs so they appear to be louder than the competitors rigs. In that case please set the amp volume back to its neutral state and use the Rig volume to set the desired volume for a rig. Make sure to store the changes before moving to the next rig.

    It is best to set levels at gig volume and not at home or by using headphones as this might be misleading.

    "Thanks for your ultra quick reply to my request for information, Kemper!"