best way to adding external pedal to kps

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    ☑️ Profiler Stage

    hello everyone, I bought a wonderful electro-harmonics synth pedal, and I would like to use it with my Kemper stage. Sadly I'm not too familiar with using external effect connections.. what I would like is a patch where only the external pedal will be in use and then the connection will be closed when I switch to different patch. would that be possible? because I would like to leave that pedal always ON by itself..

    what would be the apprpriate settings and connections for this? (I have a feeling we'll have to use the send and return connections)

    thanks in advance I promise I'll get better in this..🙏

  • In the Kemper there is an effect type called Loop. Insert this fx type in whichever blockyou want the external pedal to be. No vonnect the send from the Stage to the In on the pedal and the Out from the pedal to the return on the Stage. Now you will hear the pedal when you activate the block that contains the Loop effect.