There and back again - my Kemper story

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hey everyone,

    I personally like reading posts like this so I thought I'd share mine.
    The TLDR is: I owned Kemper in the past and am giving it a shot again.

    Reading comments about all the different digital guitar rigs online I get the feeling that we, as in we guitarists, came to two overarching conclusions:
    1. Different tools for different jobs. There are many devices out there and some are suited better for some applications then others.
    2. Sound is subjective. But since this is the internet obviously I am right and everyone else is wrong. ;)

    This is my third Kemper Profiler. I bought one relatively close to release. It was the first bit of professional gear I ever owned and I was very intrigued. I played it a lot, live, rehearsals, at home. But I was never really happy with the sound. It didn't sound "bad" but compared to what I heard online I just never "got there". Eventually I had to sell it but it always stayed in my mind.

    A few years went by, where I only played subpar equipment at home. But I always wanted to have a Kemper again. And eventually I was able to do so. And I was making the same experiences again. At home I got to a point that I found satisfying but as soon as I went to a rehearsal and heard it in proper volume it sounded just bad in comparison. Tried literally 100s of profiles. Tried all kinds of amplification. Different cabs. As a last resort I even ordered an active Kemper Kabinet. And to my ears it just couldn't compare even with the most basic tube amp. I own an ENGL Gigmaster 15. And plugging directly into this is just great. It is dry it is unforgiving but it sounds great. And arguably it is very far from "boutique". I also had the feeling that the Kemper was not able to accurately profile this amp at the time, even just the preamp. I went back and forth back and forth. Tried an FM3, tried the Helix even tried the Quad Cortex. Every unit has something for it. But I made the exact same experience every time again and again. Sold everything, including the Kemper.

    So I though digital just wasn't for me. I put together an analog rig (with a Voodoo Lab GCX Switching system) under the assumption that I would "make no compromise" but I had humming I wasn't flexible it was awkward to carry. So many cables. So many points where something could go wrong. It was during Corona so there were no gigs anyway but I loathed the thought of taking this thing on stage. Don't get me wrong I never had a sound this amazing. And I was getting by ok with the amount of sounds I could get out of it. But my digital experience kinda ruined me in this regard. One set delay, just doesn't cut it anymore ^^

    Back to square one I guess.

    Time to give the Kemper another shot. Since I cannot figure out how to get rid of that damn hum which seems to change everytime I leave the room, I have settled on the solution to slave in the ENGL amp.

    This might be controversial. But I swear to god it makes a noticable difference whether I plug into the ENGL directly or into the Kemper and out of the direct out.
    I have made a profile of the ENGL preamp. And comparing the two they sound identical. And I think I know why. The Kemper sounds how it THINKS the ENGL sounds. Because slaved into it that is how the ENGL actually sounds.

    But, again, plugging into the amp directly sounds different.

    It sounds... quite alright. I'm not a "fan" of any device anymore. I always liked the Kemper because in my opinion it revolutionized the marked a lot more than any competitor did. It is good enough to satisfy so many pros so no arguing there. But, again, plugging into the amp directly sounds different. And I think you would even agree if you were in the same room with me and would hear the same thing.

    I think I'm at a good spot now. The setup is thankfully super simpel. 4CM. I can add a Wet/Dry situation if I want to.

    Does it sound as good as my analog rig did? No, I can honestly say it does not. But the added flexibility I think is making up for it. Also, after having spend so much time with my two previous Kempers, having one again feels like coming home. I know that some of this sounds very critical and I am as I should be, it's an expensive product.

    - The Footswitch is really good
    - The overlay of the Rack and Amp make it really easy to dial in
    - there are more than enough effects for my needs and they sound good
    - it is super reliable

    So, I'm glad to be back. I'm curious how this will work out.

    Things I wish the Kemper did for maybe the next Kemper (if there ever is one):

    - The ability to switch tube amp channels (like the Helix does)
    - The footswitch, while great, is nowhere near as flexible as the FC-series from Fractal
    - Routing flexibility like the Fractal line
    - the ability to profile Amps and distortion pedals seperately (Like the QC)

    That in a not too deep Rackmounted unit would be my "Eierlegendewollmilchsau" (a German word for a perfect farm animal that lays eggs, gives milk and wool and has meat like Pork)^^

    Edited once, last by Steeldom (September 21, 2024 at 8:44 PM).