Rig manager confusion!

  • Why, when using rig manager, on computer or the 'phone app, can I not see the actual profile of the amp that I have made in the 'Amp Model' menu? They're all there in the (Stage) hardware menus.

    I have several amp profiles that I made, which are clearly labeled, that do not appear anywhere in the rig manager, only on the Stage hardware.

    Please, could someone enlighten me as to which part of the instruction manual have I missed? :):/:S:?:

  • Make sure you have the far right menu displayed in RM (number 3). You might have to scroll all the way down to see the profile depending on how your sort them (number 2). Also make sure you rename the profile correctly and save it to proper location (number 1).

  • I’m not sire if I’m understanding your question properly. Are you saying the Rig isn’t showing in Rig Manager or that the `rig is showing but the Amp meta data is missing from the right sidebar (3 on Larry’s image)?

    If the whole Rog is missing I suspect you are looking at the Local Library in RM. If you click on My Profiler it sh0uld be there. If you want to see it in Local Library you need to copy it from My Profiler. This works both ways. If you have a Rig in the Local Library that you want to make available on your profiler when not connected to RM, you need to copy it My Profiler.

  • Thanks for the response, but I realise I've not really asked the right question!

    I've resorted to actually reading the manual... and that's not hepling either!!

    How do I save my rigs so they appear in the Presets as 'Amps'?

    I'm going to be helping a friend set up his Kemper Player, later this week, and as it doesn't have any display on it we'll be entirely dependent on using the app, or software, and I need to be able to load some of my rigs onto it. Right at this moment, I'm not sure I'll be able to do that!

  • Sounds like maybe you're mixing up some of the terminology.

    A Rig is not an Amp. A Rig is all of the components (Presets) that make up that complete Rig. (AMP/Cab/any Effects, input and output settings, etc.)

    Presets are the components that make up a Rig. And you should understand the Rig Manager tree view sections. MY PROFILER, LOCAL LIBRARY sections appear under ALL RIGS, ALL PRESETS and ALL PERFORMANCES.

    Anything under MY PROFILER would be anything physically saved on your Kemper (any RIGS on the Kemper and any PRESETS, which are the components used in those RIGS.)

    Anything under LOCAL LIBRARY are RIGS, PRESETS or PEFORMANCES you've stored on your computer. They are not on your Kemper until you load and save them there.

    Keep in mind that under any LOCAL LIBRARY section you can create folders and sub-folders to help organize things. There are no folders under MY PROFILER sections.

    One thing about the AMP presets - they only appear in the MY PROFILER/PRESETS if the AMP MODEL tag has a value. If the AMP MODEL tag is blank, you still hear the amp, but there would be no visible Preset for that amp. If it seems you're missing some under ALL PRESETS, maybe look at that AMP MODEL tag when you load a rig to make sure it has a name there.

    It sounds like you're also trying to save Rigs, so you'd Save them on your ALL RIGS/MY PROFILER or under ALL RIGS/LOCAL LIBRARY.

    Hope that helps.

  • I never make presets of Amps but only use Rigs as they are much more useful. However,if you really need to make a preset from an existing rig just click and drag the amp block from the editor and drop it in the Presets Folder. Also be aware that user presets don’t show on the context menu when you right click. This only shows factory content.

  • Thank you,

    So, how do I make a PRESET? And then see it in the AMP menu?

    What button(s) do I need to press to make presets (using my own amp profiles)? I cannot find this info in the manual.

    Drag and Drop the Amp Icon on the editor ribon to the leftside Preset Section where you like to store it.
    The other way around if you like to asign a preset to the rig in editmode.
    You can do this with any editor Icon.

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Another way you can quickly try pretty much any AMP without having to save them all as presets is to use Lock all but amp. You get this with a right click on the Amplifier module. Then any rig you load will change only the Amp. If you find one you like, you can always save a Preset of that amp.