Helix as USB Midi controller

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Hi there!

    I've seen a few discussions that touch on this subject but haven't seen an actual specific response to this.

    I have a Helix floor and would like to control the program changes on my Player using the USB midi. So far I'm having ZERO luck.

    I've tried going from the Helix (USB B connection -- the rounded square one) to the Player (USB A - the skinny rectangle one). But it doesn't seem like the Player is receiving any signals... or at least it's not responding to sending program changes.

    I then tried using a Roland UM-ONE to go standard 5-pin midi out from the Helix to USB A in the Player. the UM-ONE's lights are flashing when I send the midi commands from the Helix, but again, nothing from the Player.

    I even tried a USB A to USB B adapter so both ends are the roundish square but that didn't even light up the UM-ONE,

    I've tried it with the Player being on both Omni and (randomly) channel 5 ... still nothing!!

    Has anyone managed to make these two talk to each other???

    I may end up just having to return the Player and stick with my Floor cause I had no issues with Midi on that one, it's just bulky and overkill to have the Helix and the Player