Live Performance Delay / FX Options

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    I like to tweak delay settings while I play, but this is not easy on the KPA. First, the knobs have a variable speed, which means I can't predict where I'm going to wind up without seeing the display. I'd rather know what a quarter or half turn means in relation to a parameter like feedback or mix, partially so I can get back to square one.

    So, a way to disable the variable knob speed would really help. Also, an easy way to get back to the stored parameter setting, like tapping the knob a few times. Or, a foot switch option that when held while touching a knob resets it to the stored value.

    Having the entire display change momentarily to be a HUGE display of the current setting of whatever knob I touch would also help. Touch the "mix" knob and the display shows the setting in a giant font.
