Dual Recto Rev F Liquid

  • Hi Fellow Kemper friends,

    new profiles in the rig exchange. This time around, I concentrated on

    -one sm57, vintech x73i mic pre and keeping it simple.

    -profiled the amp using the two notes captor 8 with no cab using the amp settings as a liquid profile.

    -no boost for profiling, any boost was applied in kemper after.

    -amp on bold / diode rectification and line voltage was about 115 volts or so ( so just under the spec 117 volts )

    In the course of doing all this, I came to the conclusion my greenback 4x12's have a real mid push, and I'm trying to find ways to move past that. I tried loading in some cabs from Lass Lammert's bogner amp ( love Lass's work for the kemper), and felt after some tweaks I could get the settings into lower tuning 7-8 strg territory. But as these patches are presented, it's strictly 6 string Les Paul normal rock n roll territory.

    I am not uploading anything here that is not 100 % from my own profiling efforts. But feel free to swap out cabs and tweak as you want to.

    The shortform is

    DRec = Dual Rectifier

    liq = liquid

    bst = boost

    scp = scoop

    The scoop is either a bit of eq applied to the preset or a combo of eq applied to the preset and a speaker ir that was captured with a mid cut.

    So, I don't know how I feel about these just yet, they could be useable, or maybe just ok.

