The authors name differs

  • I bought a used Kemper.

    When I open RigManager

    The authors name of your KEMPER PROFILER differs from the name in Rig Manager. Do you want to set both to ○○○○ (previous owner) will appear.

    I would like to remove this notation.

    If you answer Yes to this statement, the name of the main unit will become that of the previous owner, and the favorite will also become that of the previous owner.

    I think the product registration migration has been completed.

    Factory Reset has been performed.

    I also reinstalled RigManager.

    Is the problem with the name of RigManager rather than the main body?

    I want to change RigManeger's authors name.

  • You will need to change the owner's name on the kemper itself, not through rig manager. In system settings (page 295):

     Edit Owner

    Using the soft button labeled “Edit Owner” you can edit the Owner Name and assign a Device Name to your

    PROFILER. Assigning unique Device Names is useful if you intend to connect and manage multiple PROFILER

    units with the Rig Manager application.

    Then that author name will be the author for any amps that you profile and the device name will be the profiler's name as seen when connected to RM.

    Edited once, last by dfdfan (March 21, 2024 at 4:16 AM).

  • G String March 21, 2024 at 8:39 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “The authors name of your KEMPER PROFILER differs from the name in Rig Manager. Do you want to set both to ○○○○ (previous owner) will appear. I would like to remove this notation.” to “The authors name differs”.
  • dee1013 As far as I see you have not placed a support ticket yet. However this seems like a misunderstanding:

    If you buy a used unit which has owner name "ooooo" or the unit has been reset and has returned to its default owner name "Me (xxxxx)",

    and you connect this unit to your Rig Manager, this message pops up:

    "The author's name of your KEMPER PROFILER differs from the name in Rig Manager. Do you want to set both to <name set in Rig Manager>?"

    So your Rig Manager won't adopt the name of the pre-owner of the PROFILER, but the PROFILER will adopt your user name set in your Rig Manager application instead. Just confirm this offering and you are done. If you don't confirm, it will keep popping up at every RIg Manager start.