When the player is switched OFF and ON again, the Tempo value is every time reset to the maximum value 256 bpm.
Tempo is enabled and locked.
Player is not connected to Rig Manager.
Is this a bug or ist this intended?
When the player is switched OFF and ON again, the Tempo value is every time reset to the maximum value 256 bpm.
Tempo is enabled and locked.
Player is not connected to Rig Manager.
Is this a bug or ist this intended?
i notice similar. a power off/on does not appear to retain the last tapped-tempo (as it does on the rack)
Side note: curiously, whilst we talking about times, i notice there must be some internal clock in the player as the back-ups have a date stamp.
Anyone know how or when the Player sets its internal clock?
Anyone know how or when the Player sets its internal clock?
When being connected to the Rig Manager.
timo Can you also say something to the initial question?