Yesterday I had the first issue ever with my Stage. Soundcheck at 5pm went normal and I've left the unit on (gig planned to start at 8pm). We go back on stage to start ....and no signal at all from the Kemper (all outputs affected, even headphones) input works (tuner was working) and the output LED was reacting to the signal. Restart didn't fix it and I had to Init Globals. Now I had again sound...but Switches assignment and all output settings were back to default and the iPad connection was not working anymore. Had to set everything on the unit. The all thing took me 10 min...but that is a long time with the band waiting and the public getting impatient...very embarrassing. No idea what happened...

First malfunction ever with my gig
Kellerblues -
January 21, 2024 at 1:30 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Wow. That sucks. Damn it would be nice to figure what could have happened. Sounds scary.
I wonder if a Player would have gotten you through the gig?
A Player would have been more then enough, I can play any gig with a 2 channel amp, if I have to. Never needed a backup before, but what yesterday happened did scared me
Not cool at all. Have you been able to get the Kemper fully working again? I wonder if a backup from a USB stick could have helped.
As reliable as Kemper units are, they're still electronic equipment. I always have a backup unit with me ...
Not cool at all. Have you been able to get the Kemper fully working again? I wonder if a backup from a USB stick could have helped.
All working again. I didn't had the backup stick with me
Run a backing track and ask the audience to do some Karaoke while you fix. They will love you.
....and no signal at all from the Kemper
out of interest, do you use any presets (rigs) that have volume controlled parameters or possible an expression pedal connected for any functions, volume or otherwise?
I didn't had the backup stick with me
Maybe next time
Glad you got it sorted
out of interest, do you use any presets (rigs) that have volume controlled parameters or possible an expression pedal connected for any functions, volume or otherwise?
I do, volume is assigned global. First thing I did check and was working (pedal was moving from 0 to 127 in the settings)
Terrific! Hey guys, we should understand what happened! Kemper support: do you have any idea what might have happened?
Only FYI: I accidentally pressed the power button instead of the 'browser' button (I wanted to switch from 'performance' to 'browser', and everything worked, but no sound. All I had to do was reboot and everything was as before. But this here is very serious... Kellerblues : any update? Could you find out what happened?
: any update? Could you find out what happened?
No idea. Everything still working as usual, but no cue what happened. Maybe a power cut-off while we were not there? Really don't know
out of interest, do you use any presets (rigs) that have volume controlled parameters or possible an expression pedal connected for any functions, volume or otherwise?
i know the remote for the rack "self calibrates" (sometimes to a negative effect if you plug in the pedal whilst powered up as it "sees" this as sweeping range of values to which it applies its upper and lower values.
Could there have been some glitch with the expression pedal creating a "hidden" volume=0 some place that is not obvious?
Perhaps a selected preset/rig controls the volume (possibly unbeknown to the user) and choosing another rig/preset does not have volume-control but the previous rig had set the volume to zero (unintentionally) which then denies access to resetting/increasing the volume in the new rig?
does that make sense, even if it was not the issue?