So Kemper are displaying at NAMM next week...
We at KEMPER are pretty excited. NAMM is coming up next week. We’ll be at booth #6804 from January 25th to the 28th in the Anaheim Convention Center."
Were they displaying at NAMM last year? I don't think they were.
I wonder what they have up their sleeves? Speculation?

Any NAMM news for Kemper? I wonder what they are excited for this year?
CelticGibson -
January 18, 2024 at 6:13 PM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
Kemper Player is pretty obvious. Major software upgrade for the main unit would be lovely
I'm already very happy with my Kemper Stage at the moment. Everything New is a nice Bonus. We will see...
I’ve been wondering the same thing
OS 11 is on the player. What features it may offer on the larger units has not been discussed publicly so far. I guess we'll get some indication at NAMM.
A tab light that is blinking in time. That would be product of the year I'm sure!
A tab light that is blinking in time. That would be product of the year I'm sure!
like product of the decade
New chorus Update would be awesome
Kemper ASIO driver for Windows?
Player limitations unlocking?
Drag & drop folders in Rig Manager ???
looper quantize would be nice as well.
OS 11 is on the player. What features it may offer on the larger units has not been discussed publicly so far. I guess we'll get some indication at NAMM.
^^^ ????
Firmware for the new Kemper profile player was mentioned at some point here on the forum as being OS 11 but I see that the current version on the downloads area is 10.9.3 - which may be OS 11 beta. (beta version X is often beta (X-1).9.x)
Any NAMM news on the summer exhibition? There hasn't been one in Nashvile since 2017
Given the almost identical structure of the stage and head/rack, having identical OS versions made sense. I wonder in what sense OS versions for the Player will be in sync as there's a lot they don't have in common. Given that they player, even if it works of the original OS to some extent, must be adapted to limit it's physical limitations. Thus otherwise it has the features of 10. whatever, minus what it doesn't by nature have access to. Logically, then, it would have a 10.whatever name with a number higher than the most recent OS to designate it as a tweak to that.
But in any case, it makes sense for Kemper to show their new product at Namm, as it's only a month old at this point, whether or not there is something else to announce.
Updating effects to the stage/rack/head seems like something they'd role out at some point. However, it might be counterprodutive if new features they are announcing aren't going to be immediately available for the stage.
The only thing that appears certain is that Kemper will be exhibiting at NAMM. Booth #6804.
A tab light that is blinking in time. That would be product of the year I'm sure!
Well, we are waiting for that "feature" since 2015!
These last 6 monthes, we got liquid profiles, Audio over USB, MIDI over USB, Kemper Player and the official Android App release
Really excited by this. We'll be getting some fabulous new effects soon. Thanks again, Kemper team!
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What’s not clear from this video is what we can expect on the Player. Did I miss something?
KeysAndGuitars at around 3:50 CK said, this would be a free Update for the head, rack, stage and the new profiler player.