Midi -> changement de preset sur 2 Kemper ?

  • Hello l'équipe,

    Mon problème est assez simple mais je ne trouve pas de réponse explicite.

    Nous sommes 2 guitaristes dans mon groupe et jouons synchronisés avec un clic envoyé depuis Logic Pro dans notre system InEar. Je cherche à automatiser le changement de preset pour les 2 guitares à la fois, en suivant notre piste playback / inear (avec le clic, les nappes etc).

    Est-ce possible (je pense que oui !) ? Et comment puis-je faire cela ?

    Merci pour votre aide !!

  • Maybe this can help you out? The only thing you have to do, is using two different midi channels for the two kempers. So you should also create two midi tracks in logic (one for each kemper).

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    Kemper Stage User

  • Thanks for the help.

    The question is about the connectivity of our laptop to 2 Kempers at the same time. I thought using the USB C connectivity of the laptop to connect.

    So, if i understand well, for connecting 2 Kempers we would need 2 USB-C cables, each one going to each Kemper, sounds right? Or do we need some kind of Midi split box out of the computer ?


  • What kind of Kemper do you have? Rack or Head?

    When you use Rack or Head versions you be able to use Midi Thru.

    So First Kemper connected via USB with your laptop.

    Then make a connection from your First Kemper Midi Thru to your second Kemper.

    You also have to give a Midi Channel for each Kemper, either in Logic as also in the Kempers.

    Kemper Stage User