Looks like Unlock all skips Input if it's locked. At least on my Kemper head model.

theplayer -
January 8, 2024 at 3:21 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Looks like Unlock all skips Input if it's locked. At least on my Kemper head model.
Confirmed, I've just tried
Confirmed, I've just tried
That's true. Input and Output settings are not exempt. Which makes sense when you think about it. Neither is saved as part of a Rig.
the Lock button will also indicate the volume pedal lock state and the tempo lock state.
Did you press Store to save the changes?
There are no changes. So it's still a puzzle why the Lock button stays lit
I'll reiterate because I don't see where you acknowledged this. If you right click on any slot and choose unlock all, it will remove the lock *anywhere*.
As Kellerblues mentioned - don't forget to save, otherwise it'll revert back.Maybe I haven't acknowledge this (I'm sorry, Ruefus!) but I truly can "play" with lock and unlock in RM. Example: I have a Noise Gate 4:1 in a rig. In both Profiler and RM I see this stomp active! Now I press this fx in RM to off. It gets black and at the same time this stomp in the Stomp section of the profiler gets unlit. No problem at all.
But are we really talking here about a LOCK function? Or is this just a matter of a simple on/off function? And is this all a confusion of tongues? Because the lit Lock button shows no changes, not even after shutting off profiler and start again.
Also unlocking all in the white dot with the three black spots hasn't any effect whatsoever to this still lit keeping LOCK button.
So my problem is NOT on/off but really getting the Lock button unlit! Sofar nothing has helped.
There are no changes. So it's still a puzzle why the Lock button stays lit
Unlock is a change
the Lock button will also indicate the volume pedal lock state and the tempo lock state.
I'll try everything.... Where can I find these features? I only have a volume pedal on my midiboard for accessing rigs and I know nothing about a "tempo lock state".
Unlock is a change
OK, and does this help to clear that button?
I'll try everything.... Where can I find these features? I only have a volume pedal on my midiboard for accessing rigs and I know nothing about a "tempo lock state".
tempo lock and volume pedal lock are in the rig menu. If you use a volume pedal you must have used the volume pedal settings once already.
Unlock is a change
the lock state does not require storing. It is automatically active until you unlock things again. If you store a rig or performance while lock is active the locked state is baked into the stored rig or performance.
tempo lock is in the system menu and volume pedal lock is in the rig menu. If you use a volume pedal you must have used the volume pedal settings once already.
I have 18 pages filled with settings (some are idle) but there's no tempo lock in System. My volume pedal on my midi board is set to 127. This has been set this way eversince 2014...
the lock state does not require storing. It is automatically active until you unlock things again. If you store a rig or performance while lock is active the locked state is baked into the stored rig or performancI
If I want to adjust a random setting in a stomp or amp section and press the corresponding button, then the Lock button gets unlit. Returning again it lits again. So storing seems to be always combined with locking and this button is always lit?? No matter what?
I have 18 pages filled with settings (some are idle) but there's no tempo lock in System. My volume pedal on my midi board is set to 127. This has been set this way eversince 2014...
sorry-my bad-the tempo lock function is in the rig menu just like the volume pedal lock option. Volume pedal lock works only for expression pedals that are connected to the pedal inputs of the Profiler. If you send CC7 to control volume you do not need to lock the volume pedal. Anyway you should check the volume pedal lock state on the corresponding page in the rig menu because if it is activated it will be indicated by the Lock button-
If I want to adjust a random setting in a stomp or amp section and press the corresponding button, then the Lock button gets unlit. Returning again it lits again. So storing seems to be always combined with locking and this button is always lit?? No matter what?
simply switch off the vol ped lock and tempo lock in the rig menu and check if the Lock button is still lit.
In system: Both pedal; 1 and pedal 2 are not plugged. I unchecked volume (but now no volume control with pedal 1 on my midi board) I also unchecked tempo lock . Lock button stays lit.
did you check the volume pedal settings on the dedicated volume pedal settings page in the Rig menu? It does not matter if any pedals are connected or if you are using MIDI to control the volume. If the volume pedal is locked the lock button will be lit.
If no module or tempo or volume pedal is locked open a ticket in the support section of the Kemper website and provide a copy of a USB stick backup so we can take a closer look at your settings.
did you check the volume pedal settings on the dedicated volume pedal settings page in the Rig menu? It does not matter if any pedals are connected or if you are using MIDI to control the volume. If the volume pedal is locked the lock button will be lit.
If no module or tempo or volume pedal is locked open a ticket in the support section of the Kemper website and provide a copy of a USB stick backup so we can take a closer look at your settings.
all screens.doc1 file sent via WeTransfer, the simplest way to send your files around the worldwe.tl -
not sure why you are sending me pictures of your pedal input settings. They have nothing to do with your issue.
Enter the Rig menu, navigate to the volume pedal settings page and make sure that the volume pedal lock option is not checkmarked. If you still see the Lock button lit open a ticket.
New problem. After formatting a 32 Gb stick (FAT) in the USB slot, the profiler's screen shows this message. My profiler is completely stuck. Can't shut off or move to tuner or browser etc.">">[Blocked Image: https://www.imgdumper.nl/uploads9/65a00fc82000d/65a00fc804918-20240111_164526.jpg] No movement at all