50 smackaroonies for 1 profile, no description or clips? I dont know whether to laugh or cry. Anyone tried them?

Anyone played this guys profiles?
i wouldn't risk a purchase...tbh
i wouldn't risk a purchase...tbh
I also wouldn't risk this.
Fifty bucks for ONE Profile and no info?
/Ruefus has left the chat
I also wouldn't risk this.
I wouldnt dare pay that for one file with no info but id love to have the gijka profile. . Some are 75.........
Typical marketing. Price things very high and people will assume they are the best quality. It is amazing how much money people will waste on stuff that does nothing but make them "feel" like it is better.
Since the internet's inception, I refuse to buy from people who do not add information. Companies will give me free bandwidth and 10GB of drive space but you cant add a 34kb JPEG of your device and 500 bytes of text data??? Good bye.
The Price says it all
Simply don't buy it,
Spend money on a commercial profile and then you still have to still tweak the settings to match your guitar, pickups, pots, and technique, and then get it right in the mix. Not for me. Make your own tone.
1-3 profiles, the price and not even a clip and created by an anonymous person?
It may even be a scam and no profiles exist.
Spend money on a commercial profile and then you still have to still tweak the settings to match your guitar, pickups, pots, and technique, and then get it right in the mix. Not for me. Make your own tone.
No I don't need to tweak any commercial profiles. Well except less distortion since almost all high gain profiles have way too much gain. Those who know their work, their profiles work on any guitar and pickups. That's the difference between the good profiler and the talented. I haven't owned a hardware amp for a very long time and I'm not going back. Since I could never make such high quality profiles like som pro's do, why would I bother?
I mean I just spent more money than that on a reputable seller's profiles. ...unfortunately none of them worked out. It felt like lighting the money on fire.
I mean I just spent more money than that on a reputable seller's profiles. ...unfortunately none of them worked out. It felt like lighting the money on fire.
Did they not work in mix or not in a band/live or both?
Honestly, I didn't try either. I just spun them up in rig manager and they felt like a huge step backwards from the mbritt ones I've been using for way too long.
They may very well prove useful for some recording down the road, but they won't work for replacing my main 5 sounds for live work, and that's what I was hoping for.
What's missing from the profiles included in RM profile packs? IMO I could find/tweek one from there to match any guitar sound on earth.
The website is registered with and hosted by GoDaddy. I could trace it to San Francisco.
The webpage was created by Hub Tech Solutions who are located in Hattiesburg Mississippi.Apparently the owner records music under the name Parallax 58.