Hiya folks.
I could not figure out how to setup Cubase for automating the Kemper. Has anyone setup a project for Cubase that I can have? It is not working at all.
Hiya folks.
I could not figure out how to setup Cubase for automating the Kemper. Has anyone setup a project for Cubase that I can have? It is not working at all.
I'm using Cubase to change rigs during our live shows. I still use a midi interface though. Haven't switched to midi over USB on the Kemper just yet. What are you struggling with?
The automation lane in a DAW is not MIDI-based but is meant to be used to control plug-ins and track related stuff like panning and volume.
To control the Profiler from your DAW you need to create a MIDI track and send the relevant MIDI commands to the Profiler by assigning the Profiler to be the MIDI device for that track. You can find a list of control change commands that you can use with the Profiler in the main manual.
I do it in logic. So no project to share.
But maybe this can help you out ... except for the language.
Thanks. That was what I tried and haven’t been successful so far …
I'll have a go with USB2midi soon and send you some examples.
Ok. Got to try the USB2Midi as well. Works out of the box. So in Cubase you make a midi track and make sure the output is set to "Profiler":
When the song hits the solo I want to activate the 4th rig in the 2nd performance ("Lead" rig):
You need to calculate which program change to send. So each performance has 5 rigs. First performance covers program change 1,2,3,4,5. Second performance covers 6,7,8,9,10. I wanted the 4th rig in the 2nd performance so that means program change 9. So I program that in the midi editor:
And then once the solo is over I send program change 8 to get back to the rhythm sound. Activating individual effects is done with control changes in the same way.
I'm sending on channel 1 in the above example. You might have to select channel 1 as well here:
Does that help?
Thank you Musicmad.
How do you set up the midi track and enter values on the Kemper Track?
I am working with midi since ages but do not fully comprehend how to use this in Cubase.
First you add a midi track.
Then you "paint" on a midi part with the pencil tool for the whole duration of the song.
Then you double click on your new midi part to open the midi editor.
At the bottom you make sure program change is selected.
Then add a point at the right time.
Select the point and edit the program change precisely to the top left.
Hiya. I know what I was doing wrong … Output was profiler but input wasn’t. Now it does something though I have to get familiar with this logic as I need too many lanes for each small change at the profiler.
Great. You don't need input to be Profiler, but if it works, it works :).
Regarding the number of lanes there are probable ways in Cubase to organize this. I take it you need a lot of CC changes to change effects on/off?
Probably eight
You can activate/deactivate the stomps … but basically way too much. Notes might benetzet c for activation of stomp „c“ a and cis for deactivation of the stomp 🤓
Anyway Cubase and/or my Kemper are crashing with Cubase PCs…