Powered Kemper, Non Powered Kab + Boss RC 600

  • Hey there,

    I posted a few month ago looking for a way to setup my stuff. Some of it was working, but the other part was not so here i am again.

    I’d like to be able to plug the Boss RC 600 (looper) to my Kemper, right now i’m using the send input and the return output + the « loop » effect on the Kemper’s reverb block.

    First thing is that like that, i’m earing my guitar twice, one with the dry signal (i guess) and the other one with the wet signal.

    I can experiment that specially when i’m using a « Fake bass » effect on the Boss RC 600 :

    While doing that, i’m able to ear the signal of the modified guitar to a « fake bass », but i’m also earing the sound of the guitar itself.

    It would be beautiful if that « normal » guitar sound could go away, so if you have a solution for that, i’m up for it.

    I think i have a similar problem without any effects coming out of my Boss RC 600, it’s like there’s way too much reverb, almost like if it was repeating itself.

    Second thing is that, to my Boss RC 600, i’ve a computer plug to one of the instrument input, to ear music and stuff.

    But voilà, when i’m playing songs that are using the stereo feature « Sgt peppers », or « 505 », i’m only getting one side of the sound. Like if mono was selected instead of stereo, don’t really know how to say it.

    I’ve tried many things, switched cables, re arranging the setup and all, but i can’t find any solution.

    All i know is that when i plug a headset to my Boss RC 600, i got both side, and when i’m plugging a monitor speaker to it, i only have one.

    I was trying to find solution around the « Monitor stereo » in the output section, but i can’t use it since i’m using the looper (at least looks like it to me)

    If anybody got ideas about thoses two things anyway, i’ll test them and hopefully find a solution.

    Hope it was a clear enough description, feel free to ask anything, i’m up for trying and understanding !

  • instead of using the FX loop in the reverb module you could assign Master Mono as the output source for the direct output and use that to send the full signal chain in mono to your looper. Then connect the Looper outputs to the return and alternative inputs of your Profiler and set the desired output level for the looper signal on the Aux in page in the output menu of the Profiler.

  • instead of using the FX loop in the reverb module you could assign Master Mono as the output source for the direct output and use that to send the full signal chain in mono to your looper. Then connect the Looper outputs to the return and alternative inputs of your Profiler and set the desired output level for the looper signal on the Aux in page in the output menu of the Profiler.

    Hey there,

    I'm trying to do what you said right now, but i can't really get it, could you explain it to the dummy i am ? It would be wonderfull if it worked !

    Thanks for answering anyway

  • press the output button on the Profiler and select "master mono" as the output source for the direct output on the output source settings page.

    Connect the direct output with the input of your looper with a regular guitar cable.

    Connect the outputs of your looper with the return and alternative input of your Profiler if you want to listen in stereo. If you want to listen in mono only connect one output to the return input.

    Navigate to the Aux in Settings page in the output menu using the PAGE buttons. Checkmark the mono option if you only want to listen in mono and set the desired volume level using the corresponding soft knobs underneath the display for the outputs that you are monitoring through.

  • Hi again,

    Wanted to say that i figured out your solution, thank you very much !

    I was trying to do that, but i had the main and monitor output on aswell, which were giving me the guitar sound when i was using the "fake bass".

    Once again thank you very much.

    One more problem to go now, it didn't fix the part where i'm not earing both sides of some songs such as 505 and Sgt Peppers.

  • It's connected as you said.

    I think the problem is coming from my even my computer (but it plays it well with the built in speaker), the cable i'm using (mono jack 3,5 to 6,3) or with the pedal or pedal settings.

    I tried to switch to another cable (stereo 3,5 to 3,5 + and adaptor 3,5 to 6,3 stereo aswell), didn't work.

    Looks like there's a stereo link setting in the pedal but it's not fixing the problem.

    I'll see, at least the most important part is fixed thanks to you !