Sorry if that was asked already but the search function brought no results.
Would it be possible to have separate volume controls for the Monitor Out and the Power Amp Out on the powered version of the toaster or is this limited by the hardware routing?
My problem is: We often play in small venues without FOH (PA), so I have to use the Power Amp Out of my toaster with a (self built) 2x12 Kemper Kone cab to sound the audience. At the same time I have the Monitor Out connected to my active CLR wedge to have my monitor sound on stage. When I change the volume on the power amp for the audience, the signal to the CLR also changes. This leads to the input of the CLR either clipping or being too quiet. Really uncomfortable to have to adjust the CLR input (and output volume afterwards) each time we play a different venue, especially when you have to do volume adjustments during the gig.
I would love to have the option to set the Monitor Out level to a constant signal (just like I can do with the Main Out) , depart from changing the FOH level on the Power Amp Out.