Continued Struggle with gear.

  • Iam also reading up on mixing forums and watching more videos on youtube on mixing and this is very true. Many guitars in a mix sound unpleasant solo'd but sound fantastic in a mix haha its tough to get my head around like ive always said im a guitarist not a studio engineer and when im playing/recording with these "unpleasant" profiles its understandabley rather off putting haha.

    It is indeed true though since iam learning more on bass guitar frequencies in a mix and drums and adding all of these instruments together that nasty guitar now sounds rather good. And im also training my brain that i barely need any distortion to get a solid metal tone so i now dial that right back. Again it is something i have to get accustomed to but iam slowly coming around to it. Its so weird as im used to plugging straight into my Rockerverb mkii and just letting rip and it sounds fantastic. Cant realy do that in my home thats why i bought a kemper.

    It doesnt help i have tinitus in my left ear so certain frequencies rip right into my ear drum...its rather painful and unpleasant. Maybe thats why i can hear those frequencies.

    I have a few Neural DSP amp sims i will fire up and see what happens.

    Constantly learning everyday.

    Thanks buddy.