• I realize I am a total Kemper noob and I still need to learn how to convert from static to liquid profiles

    Its easy and there are many videos on you tube teaching you how to do it. If someone like me who's been on this earth since before the dead sea even knew it was sick can profile an old amp I'm sure you can too.

  • Thank you! A great job, appreciate your effort! Would you be so epic to make this available as a Liquid Profile?

    Forgive the request, I realize I am a total Kemper noob and I still need to learn how to convert from static to liquid profiles ;(

    At first I thought liquid profiling would make the EQ section just like my amp by profiling/analyzing the frequency ranges of each knob and the amount that they influence, but it doesn't, it just takes an amp that someone else has and (I suppose) emulates that stack. Having had quite a few early vertical input 800s, I feel I know them well.

    When I first heard about liquid profiling, I was thinking how cool that would be for the Kemper to profile each knob of my amp and replicate it. (even though as I have stated the 800 tonestack is not that great but would make it "authentic")

    If I made a liquid profile with my amp, it would be none better, as the 800 EQ offered works nothing like my actual tone stack does. So even if it was a liquid profile, it wouldn't be like adjusting a "real" 800. The "generic" will be fine for adjusting anything wrong with the profile just as you would once you got the sound you wanted, then fixed it post in the studio. It would make the stack react differently, but not necessarily better.

    You're not missing out on anything not having the latest greatest option.

    I'm not, and would never badmouth a Kemper. It's the best amp I've ever had and an amazing tool that I love and makes me want to play every day. I really think I will never need anything else and the sound cannot be improved, as it sounds exactly like the target amp through a cab and mic does now. I greatly appreciate that Kemper amps keeps adding cool things but I just think liquid profiling is optional tonestacks which are nice but unnecessary. I was fine with generic adjustment of the "snapshot".

    Edited once, last by Dynochrome (October 2, 2023 at 3:10 AM).

  • I'm not, and would never badmouth a Kemper. It's the best amp I've ever had and an amazing tool that I love and makes me want to play every day. I really think I will never need anything else and the sound cannot be improved, as it sounds exactly like the target amp through a cab and mic does now. I greatly appreciate that Kemper amps keeps adding cool things but I just think liquid profiling is optional tonestacks which are nice but unnecessary. I was fine with generic adjustment of the "snapshot".

    As always ... the most important ultimate rule is "do and use what sounds best to you".

    Perhaps just to clarify generic vs liquid stacks ... I assume your Amp is in the "800" vein (?)

    If you set it up and do a "generic" profile and then a "full new liquid profile" .... and play them back .... each with the same exact settings being unchanged / un-tweaked on the Kemper, they *will* sound absolutely and exactly identical ... this is by design.

    So if you you just want to use several / many exact amp snapshots at different settings and never tweak any of them on the Kemper ... then there is no difference between the 2 x types of profiling

    However, when you go to adjust the Gain / EQ [and Bright Stack on the LP] ... they will start to sound very different very quickly.

    The "generic" will sound like all legacy profiles have always sounded when adjusted .. ie: the post-recorded EQ "sound" and the Gain being cut or boosted by a straight-flat clean cut or clean boost.

    The "LP" ... in this case assuming you use a "JCM800 Amp Channel" ...will respond and sound much different once you start to tweak it on the Kemper ... much more authentically like a "real" JCM800 amp .... perhaps not exactly the same as "your" 800, but very much like an "800".

    A very simple and quick test anyone on OS10 can do ... which I have done several times and posted A/B audio clips in other forums ... is:-

    => go to say, the Rig Busters Official Free Liquid Profile Pack on the KPA website

    => pick the JCM 800 LP named "RB - Mars CM800 Rock - 2023-07-17 11-32-29"

    => play and record 3 or 4 short clips with the G / B / M / T at crazy different settings

    => then replace the Liquid Profile Amp Channel Stack and insert the "Generic" Stack ... the old/legacy stack

    => now set the Amp to the exact same crazy different settings of G / B / M / T

    => what you will hear very quickly is that LP, as the Gain and EQ all Increase, the sound "stays in-tact" like you would "expect" a real amp would "authentically" react.

    => what you will hear with the Generic Profile as the Gain and EQ all Increase, is the sound very quickly starting to disintegrate and rocket-off into a bizarro fizz-laden-saturated-mess ... just terrible

    If you really want to hear how "un-authentic" the Generic stack is .... just go to the equivalent free MBritt Pack ..... grab his 50w 68 Plexi ... use the "MB - 68 Mars Plexi 50 - 2023-07-24 14-42-42" preset which uses the LP Plexi Stack .. set everything on 10 ... sounds as you would expect ... then change the stack to Kemper Generic and set everything to 10 ... and it is one of the most horrifically bad amp sounds you are ever likely to hear :).

    Anyway .... regardless .... "horses for courses" as they say :)

    The *only* thing that matters is what is best / preferred for anyone.

    Just some food for thought :)

    All the best,


  • If you really want to hear how "un-authentic" the Generic stack is .... just go to the equivalent free MBritt Pack ..... grab his 50w 68 Plexi ... use the "MB - 68 Mars Plexi 50 - 2023-07-24 14-42-42" preset which uses the LP Plexi Stack .. set everything on 10 ... sounds as you would expect ... then change the stack to Kemper Generic and set everything to 10 ... and it is one of the most horrifically bad amp sounds you are ever likely to hear :).

    I agree with most everything you wrote. The generic kemper eq has a lot more range and control than a plexi amp stack does so of course maxing it out would be terrible. Maxing the bass on the head might be like turning the generic eq up 2. More range means you use less.

  • I agree with most everything you wrote. The generic kemper eq has a lot more range and control than a plexi amp stack does so of course maxing it out would be terrible. Maxing the bass on the head might be like turning the generic eq up 2. More range means you use less.

    Hey thanks !

    Yep .... agreed :)

    My purely personal view is that for most people .... LP will give them a much more "real" / "authentic" Amp tweaking experience ... for me, it is so much the case that I have nearly now sold off all of my whole stash of a current Fractal, Helix, GT1000 and Tonex .. but that's just me.

    The great part is that for players who prefer generic profiling ...... which is awesome too ..... C.K has kept that option in OS10 ... and the fact that if you know what your legacy Amps profiled settings were that you can go back any make them into a full LP [if your "stack" Amp is in the current list of 45] is just astonishing and forward thinking.

    All the best,
