honestly, i was not in love with my kemper & it sat as i still played my tube amps. just sounds better. But with the LP's, wow i have a new love for my kemper
i didn't think i would but damn, i put an eq post & a green scream in front & away i go
honestly, i was not in love with my kemper & it sat as i still played my tube amps. just sounds better. But with the LP's, wow i have a new love for my kemper
i didn't think i would but damn, i put an eq post & a green scream in front & away i go
honestly, i was not in love with my kemper & it sat as i still played my tube amps. just sounds better. But with the LP's, wow i have a new love for my kemper
i didn't think i would but damn, i put an eq post & a green scream in front & away i go
Kaliman jajajajajaja good memories with that character
Kaliman jajajajajaja good memories with that character
i teach filipino martial arts. its called Kali
For MV amps, there is also the notion of where is the master set. You could have multiple flavors there since there is no way to capture than in the LP process or settings. Then you get an amp like the BE100 with C45, Saturation, etc., etc. or the Soldano which I think has depth? Some of those amps can get complicated so more profiles are welcome. But, in general, I agree with the OP.
In general, I understand what the OP is getting at. The other factor is being able to get samples going forward. Before, a commercial profiler could give you a couple of snapshots of the amp to entice. Now, you get the LP profile and you'd mostly have the amp. The problem I see despite the more realistic EQ from LPs, profiling is still and art form and craft and people have different methods. I get some profilers where there is too much low end frequency inherent where you can't dial it out without an EQ slot and a lot of teaking. I get some others where there it's inherently thin and nothing beefs it up naturally. And, this is different for live vs recording or playing at home application. In those cases, like with the generic Kemper EQ, if the profiler isn't close to what you want to hear right out of the gate, you're probably not going to get there. It's a bummer and makes me think hard about going back to modeling again. The IR dollar suck that was Fractal became the profile dollar suck that is Kemper.