Rig spillover problems?

  • I have a Kemper Stage and love it, but I'm experiencing a problem with rig spillover. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

    Rig spillover generally works fine for me, e.g. using reverb and delay in one rig/performance slot, I select another performance slot which doesn't have reverb etc, and the delay and reverb tails smoothly die away.

    But I created a rig and slot in a different performance and set up with an Ionosphere reverb and Quad delays, when I switch to a different slot in the same performance, the reverb and delays are killed instantly.

    I'm not sure why, on the Rig section, page 1, I have 'Rig Spillover Off' not ticked, just as it isn't ticked in the other slots where spillover works fine.

    I've been trying to sort this out, and one quirk I've found is that if, in the Output Section, I switch off Kemper Kone, then the spillover works fine on all slots, but switching off Kemper Kone doesn't give me the tone I want, so I don't want to switch off Kemper Kone.

    Here are my settings (are there some I haven't thought of that I need to change?)

    Output Section page 6> Pure Cabinet ticked

    Output Section page 9> Kemper Kone ticked, Monitor Cab Off not ticked (I'm not using any of the Kone imprints, happy with profiles' cab sounds)

    Is there something I've overlooked re rig spillover? Are there some processor intensive reverbs it can't do this with? But isn't it odd that turning off Kemper Kone makes it work fine?

    EDIT just to explain further, I'm using a couple of Powered Kone Kabinets

    EDIT 2 to further clarify, I'm aware that spillover only works for the DLY and REV modules, and those are the ones I'm using

    Edited once, last by BadBadger (August 26, 2023 at 8:43 AM).