USB Audio on iPad/IOS and monitoring output - iPad volume too loud

  • I used a usb B to usb C cable on my stage to connect to an iPad. This works great, and I can record in any app.
    What doesn't work well is monitoring the iPad audio at the same time as the kemper. I'm using the headphone out on the kemper stage to monitor.

    Guitar -> kemper stage -> USB iPad

    Kemper Stage -> headphone out -> headphones

    For example, if I have an app up that has jam tracks/lessons - I can play along. But the app/iPad is way too loud. I have to to turn the Master volume way down.
    But if I do that, I can barely hear the guitar over the app volume in iOS.

    Am I going about this wrong? Should I get an external audio interface? The usb function of the kemper is working fine, but the iPad audio is just too loud in the headphones.

    I have a Jam+ from Apogee I dragged out of a drawer and that works better, but doesn't sound the same. Also I have to change a 1/4 out to mono to feed into the Jam+ and then plug my headphones into the Jam+ while the Jam+ plugs into the iPad.

    Clearly I'm missing something obvious and am going about this the wrong way. I'd love to just native USB into the iPad from kemper, while having my headphones plugged into the kemper.
    Whats everyone else doing? Using something else external (like apogee/focusrite/MOTU/etc?)

  • Right after I posted this I found in the Output settings - DAW Volume. I swear I already looked there and didn't see that setting before. If anyone else is looking at the same problem or issue, I was able to normalize everything with that. Now the iPad comes in over the headphones (plugged into the Kemper headphone out) at a much lower volume, allowing me to turn up the master volume and hear the guitar better.